Honest Expectation Letter
Our clients have seen a weightloss of 2-3Kgs, in their 1st month itself, with our food plan. But results may vary, depending on your body type, health issues and your commitment. There will be some people who may lose more and there will be some people who may lose less weight.
Weight loss is dependent on your commitment more than anything else. Hence, it is impossible for us to give a guarantee for your weight loss. It is just like a school. Teachers can only teach, the final results depend on how much the student studies and applies their brain. No teacher can guarantee results, but without a teacher, it is very difficult to get good results.
For a few weeks, you might not lose weight. But if you stick to the program, weight loss will definitely happen. Perseverance is more important than anything else.
Our SuperFood Kit helps drastically in weight loss. But if you continue eating junk food everyday or do not get enough sleep or take too much stress, weight loss will be difficult. There are 7 root causes for weight loss. You need to cooperate with us for attacking all these fronts.
Medical tests become very important for the people whose BMI is higher than 30. It helps in identifying the root cause of the problem. If your BMI is higher than 30, then it is compulsory to get a medical test done.
Some form of activity or exercise is important for any weight loss program.
You did not gain weight overnight, so please do not try to lose weight overnight. If you are committed to the program, you will see a good change in yourself in 6 months.
Some of you might lose inches and not lose kgs, initially. Do not worry. It’s in fact a good sign. Inch loss means you are losing fat and gaining muscle mass.
If you are suffering from diabetes, thyroid, PCOD or other metabolic diseases, weight loss can be slow. It takes time to balance hormones. But over a period of time, you will not just lose weight, but also gain health. And that will be a bigger achievement than just losing weight.
If you are above 50 years of age, your weight loss would be gradual.
If you are not willing to make any change in your lifestyle and your dietary habits, then this program is not for you. We aim at weight loss in the most healthy way and we do not offer any surgery. And any weight loss endeavour requires some commitment. It’s very important to maintain a Health Score of 80+ to see good weight loss from the program.
People with extreme health problems listed below can enroll post approval ofinhouse doctors of Possible and programs without superfood intervention.
– Liver failure/ transplant
– Cirrhosis
– Recurrent jaundice
– Chronic fatty liver
– Kidney failure/transplant
– Cancer
– Gastric ulcers
– Type I Diabetes
– Diabetes with uncontrolled sugars
– Lung infections (pneumonia, bronchitis, long term infections)
– Epilepsy
– Parkinson’s
– Post hepatitis
– Leucoderma
– Skin allergies which might get worse with certain foods
– People on antipsychotic or immunosuppressant drugs on a regular basis.
– Pregnant ladies, people above 68 years of age -
To lose weight, it is very important to track weight. Hence, having a weighing machine is an integral part of the program. Our clients prefer digital machines starting from 500 Rs and higher.