Prerna Yengantiwar Lost About 7.3 Kgs!

Prerna Yengantiwar Lost About 7.3 Kgs

Before joining Possible, I was thinking of losing weight for many days but I was not able to do it.I was having crampings and some of the lifestyle diseases which are also at the reversal stage within 2 months my all the medical condition has improved.After delivery, I put on a lot of weight. And I had no time for working out or following a special diet.

Thanks to my coaches Spandana mam,Rutuja Mam to help me reduce my weight and proper guidance., I told her all my problems and she gave me a detox plan for the first 10 days. I lost 2 kg in the detox plan. I have lost 7.2 kgs in 62 days. Slowly I started seeing the difference.I was fitting in XL size but now reduced to almost M size.

I am almost close to my goal. This is a very nice program to lose weight naturally by just eating healthy and no gym and much exercise. People who want to get rid of extra weight and lifestyle diseases definitely Join possible.


  • Take more water
  • Walking after every meal.
  • Yoga and Breathing exercises.

Want to lose weight & reverse lifestyle diseases? Start with a FREE health consultation call.

Book A FREE Health Consultation Today!

**Disclaimer: The testimonials mentioned above are based on each individual’s experience and results may vary for different individuals.

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