This is the story of Padmaja and her cousin Dr Mridula, about discovering the power of food and right diet. Padmaja even fought Diabetes with Superfoods.
Dr Mridula’s take on Type 2 Diabetes- Studies have shown that Type 2 Diabetes even if considered irreversible, can be corrected to a great extent with the help of right diet and lifestyle modifications.
Dr Mridula remarks that because Diabetic patients want quick results, the Doctors tend to offer medicines. However, with a little patience and working on the diet, Type 2 Diabetes can be overcome.
“In Type 2 Diabetes, Diet and Exercise are much more important than medication,” exclaimed Dr Mridula.
Padmaja was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes along with Thyroid and Blood Pressure issues.
How Padjama came to know about Possible?
It was Padmaja’s cousin, Dr Mridula, who advised Padmaja to join the Trusugar program of Possible, a mission to fight diabetes naturally with foods.
Padmaja’s life before Possible
“After being diagnosed with the Diabetes, I started taking medicines which increased to 3 tablets per day,” said Padmaja. She also informed that she tried to lose weight in order to help her Diabetes condition.
She followed different diet styles including the GM diet. However, nothing seemed to be working and she started depending on her medicines more and more.
Dr Mridula’s life after Possible
Before Possible, Dr Mridula’s cholesterol, as well as vitamin levels, weren’t good.
But after following our diet and taking up Possible’s food products like, she could see visible improvement in her cholesterol and vitamin levels. Dr Mridula lost 10 Kgs with Possible and improved her cholesterol.
Padmaja lost 7.5 Kgs and her dependence on Diabetes medication reduced from 3 tablets to 1, after joining Possible!
Padmaja and Dr Mridula’s take on Possible
Both of them advised that an ideal way to a weight loss program to work is when the entire family follows the same diet.
This brings better results. Also, a family together can stay motivated more easily than an individual following the program alone.
“Possible taught us that diet isn’t about eating less but about eating the right way,” said Dr Mridula
Next Read: Dr Rakesh Lost 21 Kgs and Overcame Diabetes with Possible!
**Disclaimer:The testimonials mentioned above are based on each individual’s experience and results may vary for different individuals.
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