Banana Oats and Seeds Cocktail Smoothie

Banana & Seeds Cocktail

Banana Oats And Seeds Cocktail Smoothie

Yet another recipe that’ll make you crave for more. Yes, we’re serious! When healthy recipes are a delight to your taste buds, what more do you need, right? This Banana Oats and Seeds Cocktail Smoothie is perfect for summers when you need to keep yourself hydrated without resorting to colas and other aerated drinks. Keep reading to know more about the recipe.

  • 1/4 cup Oats
  • 3/4 cup Milk
  • 1 tbsp Powdered jaggery or brown sugar
  • Banana


  1. Combine oats with water (around 1/2-3/4 cup) and cook till it thickens. Keep stirring it to prevent it from forming lumps and getting burnt.

  2. Add hot milk, powdered jaggery, Mix it well. Cook for some time.

  3. let it be cool

  4. Add in chopped banana slices.

  5. blend it in a blender ( can serve chilled)

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