Ragi Porridge Recipe

Ragi Porridge Benefits


Ragi Porridge Recipe | Possible

Craving for something sweet but healthy? You normally can’t have it both ways but what if we gave you some options?

This time, we have some good news for your taste buds. Ragi Porridge is a great option for weight loss and if you opt for jaggery, you don’t really stack up bad carbs.

In fact, this is a healthy recipe for weight loss. Wanna know more about it…keep reading!

  • 2 tbsp Ragi Flour
  • 100 ml Milk
  • 1 tbsp Jaggery
  • 200 ml Water
  • 5 nos Almonds
  • 1 tbsp Raisins


  1. Mix water and ragi flour thoroughly. Break up lumps if any.
  2. Begin to cook this on a low to medium flame, stirring constantly to prevent burning and lumps.
  3. After few minutes, you will see a glossy thick consistency.
  4. To it add milk and then jaggery
  5. Stir it thoroughly and add almonds and raisins.
  6. You are now ready to serve your ragi porridge.

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