Naureen Anwar Lost 10 Kg in 3.5 Months & Managed Thyroid!

Naureen Anwar Weight Loss Story

Before joining Possible, I had Thyroid and I was not able to control it. I also had anemia and anxiety. My weight was also increasing, all this together was making me worry a lot.

I was unable to reduce my weight for a long time, so I thought of quitting.

But after a few days, I started exercising along with following Possible diet plan and its guidelines like drinking more water. This helped me, I started to lose weight.

I have tried other diet plans earlier but they were difficult to follow, hence I always used to end up quitting.

I wanted to lose weight because no one in my family was fat, except me.


  • You should be patient when you are dieting.
  • Trust yourself.
  • Eat what is good for your body, and what keeps you healthy.

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**Disclaimer: The testimonials mentioned above are based on each individual’s experience and results may vary for different individuals.

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