I used to think that if I exercise hard, I could eat anything and lose weight, but this didn’t help me to lose even 100 grams.
After joining Possible, I understood that I need to eat healthy to lose weight. I lost 12.5 kg in the last 48 days. It was not easy for me. All this because I was disciplined and wanted to work towards my goal. The most important thing is that if you are not able to reduce your weight, then discuss it with the coach and never give up.
I had acidity and BP. After losing weight, I was able to manage these lifestyle diseases as well.
I joined because I didn’t want to be a burden on my family and wanted my confidence back.
I would like to say thank you to my coach Foziya and my relationship manager for their support.
Nutriclub meetings and weekly videos are most helpful. I highly recommend this program to everyone trying to lose weight.
- Strictly follow the diet plan
- Never give up
- Always be disciplined