Sanjay Sahai Lost 7.1Kgs in 100 Days!

Sanjay Sahai Lost 7.1Kgs in 100 Days

Nearly 100 days, 7.1 Kgs gone, thanks to the diet plan of Possible which has made it possible. I was always a bit on the heavier side but had no health issues. Since the beginning of 2022 I started having trouble while climbing stairs and I used to snore heavily while sleeping.

Small daily chores were draining me out, and I had no idea that my weight had increased. I was not in the habit of keeping a record of weight and the last time I weighed myself was some 5 years back when my weight was around 90.

So I had this figure in mind and was under the impression that I could ‘carry my weight around’ nicely, without any side effects. The symptoms I was facing were new to me and I dreaded the thought of the onset of some disease, checking my weight didn’t cross my mind.

One day my wife asked me to check my weight, and I was horrified to see 102 on the meter. At first I tried to lose weight by myself and started walking more and limited my intake of food. It gave results but not up to the mark. I managed to lose 3 kilos but in a span of around 6 months. Professional help was required and I came upon an ad of Possible on Facebook. I joined Possible at 99 kilos.

The approach at Possible is professional and it can help in sustainable weight loss. I have managed to lose 7.1 kilos and aim to lose another 5 to 7 kilos. The knowledge gained here is for life and hopefully I will not see another such surge of weight in my lifetime.

Thanks to the Possible team

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**Disclaimer: The testimonials mentioned above are based on each individual’s experience and results may vary for different individuals.

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