A mother and a housewife, Nanda Sonawane joined Possible in the month of December 2019. Before joining thePossible program she has tried multiple diets and workouts which did not give her a fruitful result.
Infact, with these diets and workouts she started to gain more weight, and this also resulted in a series of health problems.
Today, atPossible, she finds an easier and healthier way to lose weight and also live healthy. “Initially the program was difficult to follow, but with time I have understood what clearly works out for my body” says Nanda.
The program has made her knowledgeable regarding the quantity of food that suits her and also the type of food that helps her weight loss journey much easier.
Her main cause for obesity was stress. The stress in her had led to deprived sleep and also many health issues. She also has arthritis and gastrointestinal acidity. All these health issues have come to normal with her healthy lifestyle changes that the program has induced her into.
Nanda has overcome 80% of her problems and hopes to better herself with each day. Not just her, the program has helped her family as well in terms of healthy eating.
3 changes that the program has brought in her life are,
- Eating right food and knowing what you eat
- Eating the right quantity of food and at the right time
- Stress can cause enormous health issues and hence it is necessary to calm ourselves.
With time, due to the program, Nanda has managed to lose weight and is still in the process. She feels happy today and believes that good health can bring happiness to once. She has managed to fit into her old clothes today; and we all know how happy that makes us.
As an advice to our current and future enthusiasts she urges all of us to take a brave step. If one is overweight, it is our concern and we should definitely take action immediately. At the end, all of us have rights to live the maximum time enjoying life and not worrying about health conditions.
It is true what Nanda has said. When we can change our life for the better why not start today? Why regret later? Time does not stop for anyone here.