Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels in the body can impair your day-to-day activities and suck the joy out of life every day.
Despite being prone to hypoglycemia, you would want to work out by hitting the gym but people would have advised you to stay away to avoid risk.
Table Of Contents
- Hypoglycemia symptoms
- Weight loss in hypoglycemic patients
- Low blood sugar weight loss solutions in Non-diabetics
- Limit Carbs and indulge in non-carbs
- Pack a snack in your backpack!
- Low blood sugar weight loss solutions in Diabetics
- Staying positive
Hypoglycemia is a tough situation for both diabetic and non-diabetic patients. It is a challenge to get through the dread of hypoglycemia every single day and concentrate on other usual activities.
Hypoglycemia symptoms
According to The American Diabetes Association, blood sugar level which is less than normal or in other words less than 70 mg/dL is considered as hypoglycemia. The following symptoms present during a hypoglycemic attack
- Lack of concentration
- Cloudy thinking
- Tiredness
- Fatigue
- Sweating
- shakiness and tremors
- Increased appetite
- Irritability
- Confusion
- Pale skin
All these symptoms may present separately or in conjunction with others. The symptoms of hypoglycemia are the same for diabetic and non-diabetic patients. It is important to identify these symptoms at the earliest to prevent the untoward complications of hypoglycemia.
Weight loss in hypoglycemic patients
Patients with low blood sugar can opt for weight loss solutions or plans without affecting the quality of life.
It is not impossible to follow a hypoglycemic diet menu or an exercise plan. Only a few modifications are required.
Low blood sugar weight loss solutions in Non-diabetics
Non-diabetic patients are relatively few compared to diabetics in the world. Certain chronic illnesses, deficiency of hormones, certain medications and excessive alcohol intake can all cause hypoglycemia.
Some people suffer from reactive hypoglycemia where the blood glucose levels plummet to dangerously low levels within 4 hours of having a meal. These individuals can follow the same instructions and avoid a hypoglycemic attack through simple measures.
1.Have frequent Short Interval meals
People prone to hypoglycemia should have regular meals or snacks every 3-4 hours to avoid symptoms of low blood sugar. Digestion varies between men and women and from person to person.
Depending on the type of carbohydrate (sugar) ingested, it takes around 2 to 6 hours for the body to digest it.
Hypoglycemic patients may start experiencing signs of low blood glucose levels when the carbohydrate ingested gets digested quicker.
To tackle this problem, hypoglycemic patients can have frequent balanced meals with short intervals in between meals, preferably every 3-4 hours in a day.
2. Don’t avoid carbohydrates completely!
We are aware that food with high glucose or carbohydrate content can be stored in the body and lead to weight gain. That doesn’t mean you can stave off from carbohydrates completely! This could prove to be counter-productive.
Most functions of the body rely on glucose as the primary source of energy. This is released from the breakdown of carbohydrates. A few cellular molecules are also built using elements present in the carbohydrate content of foot.
When the body is in an urgent need of glucose which translates as hypoglycemia clinically, only glucose can help revive the patient quickly.
Though some amount fats and proteins can help supply glucose in times of need, the process isn’t as effective as the regular one.
Due to the above reasons, it is wise not to completely cut carbs from your diet. Carbs turn savior when hypoglycemia is imminent and the body needs to be replenished quickly to avoid drastic side-effects.
3. Choose Carbohydrates with low glycemic index
Glycemic index is a score from 0 to 100, which is given to each carbohydrate based on the extent to which each carbohydrate food increases the blood glucose level after eating.
Foods with a high glycemic index are digested and absorbed quickly by the body leading to a sudden and quick rise in blood glucose levels. After a period of time, the glucose levels come down as quickly as it had shot up leading to serious fluctuations in blood glucose levels.
Carbohydrates with low glycemic index produce comparatively smaller fluctuations both in the blood glucose and insulin levels in the body.
They are the preferred dietary components that prolong life expectancy, combat diabetes mellitus, reduce the risk of heart disease and one of the key elements for weight loss and weight maintenance.
Ample proof for this is outlined by the elaborate Diogenes study done in Europe.
Carbohydrates or foods with a glycemic index score of less than 55 are generally safer to consume in recommended quantities.
These include whole wheat and whole wheat products, oats, bran, muesli, barley, pasta, corn, sweet potatoes, legumes, lentils, beans, peas and most fruits and vegetables.
Limit Carbs and indulge in non-carbs
Though carbohydrates are necessary and should not be shunned totally, it is also important that you don’t overdo it. It’s ideal to have at least 30 grams of carbohydrates per meal or snack.
The rest of the meal should include more proteins, fiber foods and a minor portion of fats. The calories limited by low carb intake can easily be supplemented by other non-fattening options such as proteins and fibers.
Such healthy alternatives include, whole grains, nuts, legumes, lentils, chicken, fish, eggs, yogurt, cheese, vegetables and fruits. These foods are rich in good, heart-healthy fats, a dietary fiber that improves colonic well-being and proteins which is essential for building up muscle.
This ideal choice of having carbohydrates in moderation and supplementing with other healthier options will go a long way in maintaining that hard-earned weight loss goal!
Listen to your body’s distress call while stressing your muscles out!
Have you noticed that you feel a bit queasy and hungry immediately following a heavy workout session? These are distress signals that your body sends out to you requesting you to refuel!
Post workout, your body is stressed out due to the burning of fat and muscle. Your body is tired and should be replenished with carbohydrates to gain back energy and proteins to help rebuild muscle wear and tear.
You might think it is a good idea to skip meals after a workout and that you might end up getting more fatter. But it’s a myth.
The body needs a good amount of glucose and proteins to perform well after exhaustion and if you skip this hoping to save a few calories, you might end up earning more by binge-eating due to insatiable hunger later!
So, try to satisfy your body’s immediate needs by a protein shake or fruit or even foods with high Glycemic index since all the calories will invariably be absorbed and digested to deal with hypoglycemia post heavy exercise.

Pack a snack in your backpack!
It’s always wise to set out of the house with a pouch or a box of snacks. You may never know when the traffic could be heavy or when the queue might be longer. Having a snack at hand will help you to stave off hunger when the need arises.
This is particularly important for hypoglycemic patients who tend to fall hungry soon. Snacks should preferably be high protein, high fiber, low carb and low fat. Nuts such as almonds and walnuts are good options as do protein bars and fruits.
The greatest enemy of a weight loss goal is hunger and it’s highly important that you never let your body crave for food. Rather, limit every meal to moderation so there is a constant source of energy and fuel for the body to function.
Low blood sugar weight loss solutions in Diabetics
All the points listed above hold good for Diabetics looking to shed a few pounds from their weight. Additionally, the following tips or precautions are also important.
1. Remember your anti-diabetic medications
Anti-diabetic agents, especially insulin, can play spoilsport when a weight loss plan is initiated in a diabetic individual. Dieticians may suggest low-carb diets but when insulin is administered, it might actually trigger a hypoglycemic attack.
It is always better to discuss diet and weight concerns with a specialist, preferably the consultant physician or a weight loss expert and dietician to achieve optimum results despite being diabetic.
2. The restriction is important to reach your goal
As mentioned earlier, the diet for a hypoglycemic prone diabetic individual should ideally be a low-carb, low-calorie and low-fat diet with plenty of fiber-rich foods. These foods should be taken at short intervals with snack options being either milkshakes or proteins.
Moderation is the key. A slight deviation once in a while won’t hurt. Don’t overdo the same by stopping intake altogether. This might prove to be detrimental and counter-productive. Instead, aim for a full tummy with fiber-rich foods and healthy proteins and oils.
3. Physical activity is a must
For all weight loss plans, physical activity amounting to 150 minutes a week or at least 30 minutes every day is important to gain results. A diet modification alone cannot help much unless coupled with adequate exercise and physical activity.
Mission: Fight Diabetes Naturally
Diabetes Success Stories: Who said you can’t achieve something if you try hard enough for it?
Diabetes- one of the most common diseases among Indians today. It can occur for many reasons, be it inheritance or lifestyle habits.
However, the best part is, diabetes can be maintained with the right diet and lifestyle changes. For more watch the video.
Staying positive
Life of a hypoglycemic is indeed rough. You need to eat regularly yet try to lose extra pounds to maintain an ideal weight.
This may be hard but with discipline and determination, anything is possible! Stay positive throughout the day and you can see results in no time!
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