Sandeep Kumar Arora lost 15 kgs and Controlled his Sugar Levels with Possible

Sandeep Kumar featured image

Losing weight is something almost every person wants to do. It is a difficult process that takes determination and motivation, There are many steps involved in this but the most important thing is to stick with it.

As we all are aware that weight can lead to many critical diseases like diabetes and high cholesterol which are detrimental to your health.

Sandeep Kumar Weight Loss Story
Sandeep Kumar Weight Loss Story

Dealing with such situation and having many doubts about the weight loss program was 44 years old, proprietor of a Real Estate Company, Sandeep Kumar Arora.  

He sought Possible’s help, and with a rightly mapped diet plan Sandeep was able to lose 15 kg in an effective manner. He shares his experience.

Q1) What health problems (if any) were you facing before you approached Possible:

Ans : I was having the medications for fatty liver and also for depression but never checked or focused on other conditions, after my coach advised i took blood test and got to understand about the thyroid, cholesterol levels still not controlled and diabetes on uncontrolled level.

Diseases Values before : HbA1c: 9, TSH: 10.29, Total Cholesterol: 227, Triglycerides: 394

Diseases Values after : HbA1c: 5.8, TSH: 5.72, Total cholesterol: 162

Q2) How has Possible been different from other weight loss companies you went/tried before?

Ans : I have not tried any weight loss company before but am very lucky to have he first experience withPossible where i learned a lot on my lifestyle, food choices and balanced nutritious diet.

Q3) What was the best thing you liked about Possible?

Ans: the people associated withPossible are very dedicated and the coaches is very helpful, supportive.

We are never been forced to eat things we are not liking or quit the habits in a day or two instead are been advised and things are been changed gradually with more of healthy habits, which is the best part in the programme.

Q4) How do you feel after losing all that weight? Has your health, confidence, fitness levels improved after you lost weight?

Ans: yes i have improved onto my parameters and also my medications have been changed based on the improvement, My friends use to say i look weak and lost but have improved in many aspects which even people notice and appreciate.

Q5) What is your take on Super foods?

Ans : Super foods are really good, they are healthy and changes one’s concept of “healthy may not be tasty”.

These super foods have taught me to look back at many of those things which were always in my kitchen but never used in correct manner.  

Some of my favourite are millet ladoos, chia buckwheat cookies and red rice poha.

Q6) Your 3 tips for weight loss

1: Show your dedication as that is what will help you with the proper guidance

2: Follow the phases as every phase has its own benefits and focuses.

3: Ask questions on the doubts and learn more with the weight loss journey as this is not only a journey to lose weight but also to learn your own body and its response.

If Sandeep can do, You can too!

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