9 Benefits of Swimming That You May Have Never Known

Benefits of Swimming

Did you know that swimming is one of the best aerobic exercises? Or that it can slow down your aging process?

Yes, there are many benefits of swimming, besides it being a fun activity for the summers.

So open up your limbs, look at the blue sky, take the leap and propel into the fresh soothing waters of the pool and enjoy the sun with the most healthy activity.

But right before you go for that, check out these 9 swimming benefits that we bring exclusively for you.

Table of Contents

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Before unfolding the benefits of swimming as a whole, here are some quick points to tell you why to choose swimming as your summer activity?

  • It helps to manage weight
  • Reduces stress levels
  • Can boost your mood
  • Strengthens muscles
  • Serves as a low impact workout
  • It can also improve your sleep
swimming benefits
This summer beat the heat with swimming benefits

There must be many questions playing on your mind like:

  • What does swimming help with? or  What are the benefits of swimming for men?
  • What can be the benefits of swimming every day?
  • How swimming benefits women?
  • Or what are the actual physical benefits of swimming?

Well check out these benefits of swimming and decide for yourself

Benefit 1: Swimming can be great for muscle strength:

Swimming involves your activity for your different body parts like legs, arms, back, stomach, etc. Thus it is a great aerobic workout for your entire body to provide amazing muscle strength.

Benefit 2: Swimming for Weight loss:

Swimming can be a great exercise that can help in weight loss by burning calories.

It has been found that an hour of vigorous swimming can burn around 715 calories.

In fact, according to the researchers at Indiana University, when they compared recreational fitness swimmers with non-swimmers, they found that swimmers of all ages had more lean muscle and trimmer waists and hips.

Well, now you got to swim, right?

Is it better to swim or run?

Swimming gives a more vigorous cardio workout than running. About 350 calories can be burnt during a vigorous, intense 30-minute swim. Moreover as mentioned earlier water is a denser medium that gives more resistance to your body.

And it is found that resistance has influence over calories. Thus swimming can be a better option. However, you should never rule out running. To lose weight running can even be better than swimming. But if you are looking for an over health point of view, swimming is better.

Benefit 3: Flexibility benefits of swimming:

The body of a swimmer becomes flexible with all those stretches and twists under water.

Benefit 4: Swimming Helps in Distressing:

No matter if you’re fit or not fit, a regular 30 mins of swimming session can make you go stress-free to the core.

So be it the workload at the office or the personal drama going around, a dive in the pool can take the stress load off your shoulders.

Benefit 5: Swimming boosts up your Energy Level:

Another benefit of swimming is that it boosts up your energy level. Spend half an hour in the pool waters swimming, you’ll see that you are more active during the rest of the day daily works.

Benefit 6: Swimming can help you fight diseases:

Swimming benefits your body by giving you a cardiovascular workout.

So, if you are not the gym type person at all, just be a little pool type and get your daily doses of cardiovascular activity and lower the risks of diseases like heart problems, type 2 diabetes as well as strokes.

Is swimming the best exercise?
As we see, swimming helps in a whole body workout. So if not best, it is definitely one amazingly beneficial of all the exercises. The density of water is about 800 times greater than air. Thus swimming works like a mini resistance workout for the entire body.

Benefit 7: Swimming helps lung health:

Did you know that by swimming you can better your lung volume? This can be pretty beneficial for people with asthma issues.

So all the asthma patients can go for swim sessions and not do the dreadful gym times. Swimming is also found to be good for asthma patients by improving many symptoms like snoring, mouth-breathing, etc.

Advantages of Swimming
Swimming can be the ultimate body workout

Benefit 8: Swimming can slow down aging:

In a world of age locking beauty creams, swimming can be one natural way to stay younger. Swimming is found to be helping in increasing body muscle mass, lowering blood pressure, improving blood flow to the brain, etc. These can be really helpful in slowing down your aging process and hence keep you younger looking!

Benefit 9: Swimming benefits for skin:

Although it is true mostly for oceanic waters, swimming in salt water can be very good for your skin. I know, oceans aren’t that accessible for all of us, but for the ones they are; go have a skin rejuvenating swimming session.

Some Swimming workouts are:
  • Kickboard Kicks
  • Pikes
  • Tic-Toc
  • Dolphin Kick
  • Flutter Kick

Swimming is one of the few exercises that can be thoroughly enjoyed. And what be a better scene for swimming than this burning summer.

If you already know how to swim then go hit the pool ASAP and if you are a non-swimmer like me, check out the swimming classes available and enjoy all the benefits of swimming. So folks beat the heat with the blue waters!


Q. What does swimming do for you?
From improving body metabolism to burning calories, we can see swimming benefits in keeping up a healthy body from many factors.
Q. Is swimming good for building muscle?

To be honest, swimming is not known to build muscles.

However, there are benefits of swimming for weightloss. It burns calories and can help you get a toned, that’s why leaner looking body.

Q. What kind of exercise is swimming?
Basically, vigorous swimming can be an intense form of aerobic or cardiovascular form of exercise.
Although you won’t find big gymming muscles with swimming but you will definitely find a fitter you.
Q. Is swimming a good way to lose weight?

Swimming puts your body through a whole body workout.

This burns calories and hence with regular commitment to swimming, you can find swimming benefits for weight loss.

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