Here’s Why You Should Drink Orange Juice Daily | Possible

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Medically reviewed by Shanmukha PriyaM.Phil and Ph.D. in Food Science and Nutrition

Orange juice is a rich source of vitamin C, one of the most powerful antioxidants present in nature.

It boosts immunity and gives your body a major chunk of your daily requirement of vitamin C. Drinking orange juice daily ensures your health is in top shape.

Benefits of phytochemicals | Boosts Immune System | Improves blood qualityVitamin A to the rescue

The refreshing aroma of orange juice first thing in the morning is such a pick me up. Many consider orange juice as one of healthiest juices to have because of presence of highly potent antioxidants that have many health benefits.

In fact, even having just one orange provides you with 116 percent of your daily vitamin C requirement. It also has health boosting flavonoids like hesperidin, narirutin, naringin and eriocitrin.

Traditionally drinking freshly squeezed orange juice has been recommended in the mornings to revive sluggish system and boost health.

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Benefits of phytochemicals

Orange, a popular citrus fruit, is rich in vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, pectin, carotenoids and phytochemicals.

In a pilot study done to note the efficacy of orange juice as a source of antioxidants and phytochemicals showed that orange juice is excellent food source that enhance the concentrations of beneficial hydrophilic as well as lipophilic phytochemicals.

Research shows that phytochemicals, a chemical compound found in fruits that protect against pathogens, help in preventing cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

orange juiceOrange juice boosts immune system

So drinking orange juice daily can help increase concentration of vitamin C in your body.

In a clinical study involving orange juice intake, the men and women were given a daily dose of 500ml in two servings 250ml of freshly squeezed orange juice with food or after food to help in better absorption by the body.

The results showed that orange juice was better absorbed by the body and increased concentration of vitamin C in the body which in turn protects the body from degenerative diseases.

Daily dose of vitamin C improves blood quality

Daily intake of Vitamin C or ascorbic acid also improves the levels of red blood cell glutathiones which has major antioxidant effect in our bodies. It helps the body fight possible toxic damages.

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, functions as a primary antioxidant in the body, and it neutralizes free radicals before they can do damage to the body’s systems.

Our bodies need vitamin C to stimulate other aspects of our immune system as well.

Vitamin C also has a direct impact on the skin and it is known component for promoting collagen production in our skin, which in turn improves skin’s appearance and texture.

In fact vitamin C when combined with vitamin E has a protective and regenerative effect on skin. It is effective in treating sunburn and other skin damage caused by excessive exposure to sun.

Vitamin A to the rescue

This juice also supplies your body with Vitamin A and carotenoids, the antioxidant that help in skin rejuvenation, and also in improving eye health.

Even having a single cup of 150ml daily can help prevent macular degeneration, and you have better eyesight.  In fact, orange provides more dose of vitamin A to the body than even green leafy vegetables.

So go ahead, pick up an orange, or squeeze one into a glass and drink up for perfect health.


Why is it good to drink orange juice?

Orange juice is a powerhouse of vitamins C and A and phytochemicals that help in your overall health.

It also helps in weight loss and boosts your immunity. It provides much required fluid to your body.

Is it good to drink orange juice daily and on an empty stomach?

It is highly beneficial to drink orange juice daily. It is best had with breakfast. It improves metabolism and breaks down carbs. Have around 150ml on a daily basis.

How does orange juice help in improving health?

Vitamin C helps in the orange juice slows down the premature ageing of the cells. Drinking orange juice daily  can lead to an increased life expectancy. It also reduces cholesterol levels.

Drinking freshly squeezed orange juice on a daily basis, helps you fight obesity, arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure and even cancer.

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8 thoughts on “Here’s Why You Should Drink Orange Juice Daily | Possible

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    • somaraghavendra says:

      Hi! We are glad that you liked our blog and found these are very easy for all the readers, especially about ” drinking orange juice daily and the benefits of it. Keep following our blog to know more health information.

    • Soma Raghavendra says:

      Hi Brown! We thank you for sharing your feedback towards our article. Keep following our blog to know more health information.

  2. Neha kakkar says:

    Thanks for sharing amazing blogs. Fresh juice contains more available nutrients and enzymes than chewed raw food. You can’t get the same benefits from cooked or steamed vegetables,

    • Soma Raghavendra says:

      Hi Neha! We appreciate your feedback on vegetables and the juice as well. We also agree that fresh juices and the cooled or steamed vegetables are good for health. Keep following our blog to know such more health information.

    • Soma Raghavendra says:

      Hi Jagriti! Good to know that you like juice then we suggest you to follow this article for more health benefits. Keep following our blog to know such more health information.

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