The ringing of wedding bells immediately brings the pink blush on the brides’ face. It is the dream of every girl to look extremely stunning on her D-day with radiant beauty. Well, we understand how important it is for you to flaunt around in your wedding gown on this auspicious occasion.
But, now you may feel a bit shy from the very thought of the extra pounds which will stand as a hindrance in making your dream a reality. Here are some handy tips to help you out.
Six simple strategies to lose weight before the wedding
Following are the six healthy ways which will help to lose weight before the wedding in a way:
1. Avoid Dieting:
Dieting is a strict no, no and no as it might help you to quickly shed a few extra pounds, but steal the glow from your face.
As a result, you may not get the sparkling radiance, which you always desired for this special occasion. Moreover, dieting lead to more craving which generally ends up in indulging in calorie-rich food resulting in weight gain.
Moreover, such diet plans are unrealistic and often lead to more weight gain when you come back to a routine diet. So instead of dieting, take care of your diet before marriage.
2. Don’t skip breakfast:
Never forget to start your day without a healthy breakfast. It has been shown through studies that those who have healthy breakfast are less likely to indulge in snacking on junk food in the later parts of the day. Moreover, healthy breakfast helps in keeping your energy level high throughout the day. The key to success is having a healthy diet to lose weight.
You can have anything healthy in the breakfast such as eggs, fruits, salad, skimmed milk, yogurt, sprouts, stuffed paranthas cooked in minimum oil, oats or dalia. You can even include south Indian cuisines in the breakfast with sambhar and idly, upma or plain dosa.
Such healthy choices will help you feel full for a long time and will keep a check on snacking on unhealthy choices. We understand that you have a to-do list for each and every day and might not get time to have breakfast, but it is something essential for your health. So never leave your house without having your portion of breakfast.
3. Avoid junk food:
Well, we understand you just love to binge on your chocolates and candies since your teenage days. No doubt, these tempting stuff are difficult to resist but your entire focus should be on looking gorgeous on your special eve, well such an attitude will stop you from over-indulging.
Even on your pre-wedding ceremony keep an eye on your calorie intake, an extra piece of pastry or scoop of ice-cream might keep on adding few extra pounds on your body, which might be difficult to shed off at this stage. So, on these special moments instead of concentrating on mouthwatering, keep your focus on your beloved for creating fond moments of togetherness while taking the photo-shoots.

Your complete concentration should be on planning about losing weight for your wedding. So, forget about all those delicious delicacies, like pastries, cakes, ice-creams, wafers, cookies which you really long for as it will shatter you weight loss plan completely.
Carbonated drinks and packaged fruit juices are also sugar-laden and can lead to quick weight gain, hence needed to be avoided. How about, snacking on carrots, almonds, fresh lime juices? At least one month before the wedding diet should not include any processed food.
4. Exercise regularly:
Start your day with exercising. The exercise regime can be as simple as walking or anything like running, jogging, gym, swimming, cycling or aerobics.
We understand in order to complete errands for your wedding preparation; you are less likely to get time for exercising. But this is the time when you should be more careful as during your shopping spree or pre-wedding ceremonies you are more likely to eat calorie-rich food.
Consider your exercise plan as important as your appointment with your beauty specialist. Exercising is extremely important at this time when you are more likely to get some extra calories on occasion of numerous pre-wedding ceremonies. Exercising along with the pre-bridal diet chart is extremely crucial for losing weight in a healthy way.
5. Have sufficient sleep:
We understand that you might not be getting sufficient time to sleep at this time. However, an insufficient amount of sleep may make you feel stressed and tired. It may also increase the craving which is often responsible for snacking on highly processed food.
For de-stressing try a hot shower before bed and how about deep breathing for a few minutes. Anyhow, sleep for at least 8 hours a day. You may take a nap while travelling to a shopping mall or in between a parlour appointment.
6. Keep a healthy snack with you:
The possibilities are that you remain outdoors for a long time for completing your shopping list or meeting your beautician. However, our advice is to always keep healthy snacks with you on which you can relish whenever feel like.
These healthy snacks can be anything like sprouts, salads, fruits and low-calorie nuts. Such snacks would help in handling in-between means hunger pangs which will also help you to avoid overeating later on. It is our advice not to remain hungry for more than four hours. Healthy food before marriage is extremely essential for losing weight and retaining the radiance.

These were some handy advice from our end which hopefully will help you to accomplish your target goal in a healthy way. Always, remember for gaining a feat you have to lose insignificant things. So, for getting your dream figure you have to forget about all mouthwatering processed food.
Take sufficient sleep, drink plenty of water and enjoy relishing on fruits and raw vegetables. Your focus should be completely on the compliments which will make you blush more and more. So, happy weight-loss plans from our side. All the best!
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Superb Blog for the People who are fat. If they try to follow at least some of the points Mentioned in the blog they surely can loose some
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