Leisurely lifestyle, stress, lack of sleep, menopause and thyroid are in the list for gaining weight among men and women.
The older the women age, the harder they find it to shed excess pounds. Take a look at the causes of age-related weight gain to save you from chronic health conditions beforehand.
Table Of Contents
- Sedentary Lifestyle Leads
- Aldh1a1 and Fat Production
- Binging on Wrong Foods
- Cut Back Fake Food from Life
- Thyroid Problem Causes Age-Related Weight Gain
- Hypothyroidism Causing Weight Gain
- Menopause Causing Age-Related Weight Gain
- Always Calculate Your BMI
Studies have found that aged women find it more onerous to shed extra pounds after reaching 40s than men. A woman’s body functions in a different way than a man’s and certain hormonal changes affect women’s body weight.
To get a better understanding of the factors that have been influencing age-related weight gain, you go through these reasons. After identifying yourself with these situations, you can take effective measures which can limit weight gain completely.
Sedentary Lifestyle Leads to Age-Related Weight Gain
With the course of time, age-related weight gain becomes a matter of concern for every woman. The leisurely lifestyle is one of the issues because old age limits a person’s ability to execute daily activities. When the woman is following a healthy lifestyle, there are only minimum chances of undergoing an overweight issue.
Many women tend to watch television or sit in front of the computer for a long period. If they do not keep track of the time spent before computer or television, there may be severe cases of unhealthy weight gain.
It is important to do daily activities by walking around or standing up to reduce the circumference around your waist.
Getting up early and preparing a healthy wholesome breakfast can reduce the issues linked to age-related weight gain. Women being too worked up with household chores often forget to consume a hearty breakfast. When you eat too little, your body fights back the signal of starvation by burning a minimal amount of energy.
Instead of spending hours before the television, you can go out running or walking. Following a productive workout plan can set your mind to lose weight effectively.
The proper schedule can always lead to burning excess fat and losing weight.
Aldh1a1 and Fat Production
One of the causes of weight gain is the increasing level of Aldh1a1 due to excessive fat production. As this enzyme is found in mice, a study has been run on mice with a high-fat diet. The result concluded that the abdominal or visceral fat was seen among the mice having the enzyme in their bodies.
Now the mice with lack of this particular enzyme also consumed a high-fat diet, but they did not show any signs of gaining excessive body weight. In the human body, oestrogen suppresses the functions of Aldh1a1. This refers to the fact that young women having a high level of oestrogen are immune to the adverse effects of this particular.
Only women undergoing menopause and facing age-related weight gain can notice the negative effects of Aldh1a1 on their health.
A study researcher of Ohio State University indicates that the age-related weight gain may be limited with special obesity treatment. Nevertheless, the treatment may be successful on the mice but the findings may not be favourable for human beings.
Aldh1a1 is essential for other bodily functions and its removal from the female body due to weight gain may limit normal functions. Moreover, therapy targeting to remove the enzyme is difficult in reality.
Binging on Wrong Foods
The reason behind age-related weight gain is that you are adding the foods that are labelled as “healthy” but unhealthy in reality. The supermarket aisle may have a section for “healthy chips” or “diet soda”, but they fill your body with unwanted calories and fat.
For making no or low-fat foods, certain ingredients are added for making them more palatable.
The additional ingredients affect your current diet plan weight gain as they do not contain any amount of nutrients. In the end, your body is left with high sugar craving and you become a victim of emotional eating.
Salad dressings, tomato sauce and yoghurt, are considered as good foods and these foods are loaded with a high level of sugar.
As age-related weight gain occurs due to sugar craving and your body’s need of getting essential nutrients, you are susceptible to struggle more for losing weight.

Cut Back Fake Food from Life
It is important to check the food label for understanding how much calories or fat, the product contains. Moreover, watch out for the preservatives because they influence age-related weight gain more.
- Choose real foods and stop choosing fake foods. If you want to eat an apple, you should make the juice at home or eat the whole apple. The store-bought apple juice contains preservatives which may generate female weight gain.
- Always read the nutrition facts of the salad dressings or healthy snacks. If there is no pesticide or dye, it is likely to be safe.
- Instead of consuming flavoured yoghurt, it is best to make fresh fruits with a spoonful of honey at home.
For limiting age-related weight gain on an effective light, you can also make your salsa dip or salad dressing for staying healthy.
Thyroid Problem Causes Age-Related Weight Gain
Thyroid imbalance is one of the recurrent issues that lead to excessive weight gain during old age. T3 and T4 are thyroid hormones that regulate metabolic rate and weight. Thyroxine and triiodothyronine may result in different issues including rapid weight gain.
Hypothyroidism Causing Weight Gain
Too little iodine undiagnosed medical condition; toxicity from fillings and too little production of T4 are the significant reasons for metabolic syndrome.
Hypothyroidism or lack of T4 is of continuous weight gain and you may check the following symptoms to know where you have developed the syndrome,

- Muscle weakness
- Dry skin and hair
- Fatigue
- Sudden weight gain
- Discomfort
- Constipation
When you experience one or more of the signs, you should fix an appointment with the doctor.
Generally, three tests including thyroid scan, blood check-up and iodine uptake are recommended by the healthcare practitioner. The doctor further advises after evaluating the test result and your health condition.
The hormone replacement therapy may be suggested and the therapy involves natural hormones and pharmaceuticals. Surgery may be suggested only for extreme cases.
Images – Hypothyroidism causing age related weight gain
Exercise Regularly
Exercising on a regular basis for 30 minutes can show positive effects of limiting T4 imbalance. Lightweight lifting and cardiovascular exercise can be beneficial for limiting the causes of age-related weight gain. You can choose light weight lifting for four or three times per week.
Also, you should make sure that you get enough sleep as a lack of sleep caused by stress can lead to an imbalance in leptin and ghrelin. These two hormones actively participate in curbing and increasing your appetite.
Menopause Causing Age-Related Weight Gain
One of the prime causes of ageing weight gain is menopause among women. When the women are on the brink of going through menopause, they tend to be less physically inactive and observe their muscles converting into fat.
Due to menopause, women notice weight gain and fat development around their abdomen and not in their thighs and hips. Apart from the age factor, genetic factors also contribute to this problem.
- Loss of muscle increases fat and body fails to burn old calorie intake.
- If your parents have suffered from weight gain due to menopause, you are likely to gain weight.
- Unhealthy eating during this phase of life is to be blamed for not being able to lose excess pounds.
- Weight gain during menopause leads to breast cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and colon cancer.
- Excessive consumption of alcohol causes you to put on extra weight. Additionally, cookies, soft drinks, flavoured water and energy drinks are equally unhealthy.
Metabolism also undergoes a transition in the peri-menopause stage and a woman body seems to have more fat until choosing to lose weight through a low-fat diet and exercise.
In addition to the context, high cortisol level causes expansion of waist circumference.
Besides following an exercise routine and moving your body muscles more, you can eat little portions more frequently. It is better to depend on nuts, fish, vegetable oil and legumes for maintaining a healthy diet and controlling weight.
Always Calculate Your BMI
Body mass index or BMI refers to the link between your height and weight. By utilising a BMI calculator, you can understand your average body weight by age.
- A woman exceeding BMI level over 30 is obese.
- The BMI level in between 25 to 30 refers to overweight.
- It Ranging from 18.5 to 25 is perfect.
- BMI no more than 18.5 indicates underweight or malnutrition.
If a 4’10” tall woman aged 45 years weighs 19 lbs., the person is extremely obese. And if a 5’ tall woman ageing 40 years weighs 128 lbs., she is suffering from overweight.
A woman who is 5’5” tall aged 42 years, her ideal body weight should be 114 lbs. It is important to gather knowledge of their body weight according to age because obese people can enrol themselves in a weight loss program.
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