The human body is a complex machine that is susceptible to many diseases and conditions that can hamper it.
High blood sugar and weight gain or loss are by far two of the most well known and most common conditions that have been ailing the human species for as long as we know.
Table Of Contents
- High blood sugar and obesity
- Types of diabetes
- How does high blood sugar cause weight gain
- Insulin and fat gain
- Diabetes and Its relation to weight gain
- High blood sugar control
- Foods that lower high blood sugar
What is more frightening is that these two are interrelated and aggravate each other as time pass or left unchecked and undiagnosed. The connection between high blood sugar and weight gain is much trickier than most common notions.
It is highly important to know what are the causes and how does the inter-relatedness of these two physical conditions affect the body and the day to day functioning of normal life. You might know that increased weight can lead to an increased risk of developing diabetes.
What might be oblivious to you is how complicated the link between these two are. The cycle starts with the gaining of weight. Once you have blood sugar level problems, it becomes difficult to go about the only thing that can actually benefit you which is to slim down.
This is most probably the main reason that about 80% of patients who suffer from type-2 diabetes are overweight and obese. Luckily, it is not impossible to go about the prevention of weight gain and bring type blood sugar under control.
By understanding how weight gain and blood sugar interact with each other, you can interrupt the dance of these conditions and return to the normalcy of a healthy lifestyle.
High Blood Sugar And Obesity
To begin with, knowing what causes high levels of sugar in the bloodstream is crucial for the apprehension of diabetes formation.
Glucose, a type of sugar, is the main source of energy in the body. When a person has diabetes, his/her body cannot process glucose properly. This causes high glucose levels to accumulate in the bloodstream thus leading to high blood sugar.
Every time you eat and consume food, the pancreas produces and secretes a hormone called insulin. Insulin helps the body to process glucose and harness energy gained by food by basically assisting to move the glucose (sugar) inside each cell for the production of energy.
The inserted glucose is whats used as fuel to make energy for your body. In diabetes, there either less production or insulin of a resistance created towards insulin depending on the type of diabetes you have.
Due to the infectivity of insulin, the glucose received from the consumption of food items if not sent into the cells. This causes the sugar to remain in the blood thus resulting in high glucose level in the bloodstream. This condition of having excess sugar in the blood is high blood sugar.
Types of Diabetes
Diabetes is a broad term and is actually of two types- type 1 and type 2. Depending on what kind of diabetes you have, your weight conditions may differ. If you have type-1 diabetes, then you will probably experience excess weight loss. On the other hand, type-2 diabetes is widely observed in obese or overweight people.
Type-1 Diabetes
In type-1 diabetes, the pancreas is incapable of creating enough insulin. Glucose levels rise up in the bloodstream and there is not enough insulin to channel all the excess glucose into the cell for energy production.
When glucose levels increase drastically the blood, the kidneys try to flush out the excess glucose through the passing of urine. This results in the weight loss due to dehydration and also a loss of calories as sugar which had not been used as energy for the body.
Though type-1 diabetes is not related to being overweight, the maintenance of a healthy weight is necessary. Too much fat can cause insulin to not function properly leading to higher insulin needs and problems in controlling blood sugar levels.
Type-2 Diabetes
In this type of diabetes, the pancreas produces the proper amount of insulin but the hormone does not properly work and glucose levels increase in the blood. Most kids and teen that are diagnosed with type-2 diabetes are found to be overweight.
Being obese substantially increases the possibility of developing diabetes in people. Also, being overweight while having this type of diabetes makes it much more difficult to control one’s blood sugar level.
Patients who have been diagnosed with type-2 diabetes have a condition called insulin resistance. Here their body can produce insulin but cannot use it to move the glucose into their cells. Thus, the number of sugar increases in the blood.
To overcome this problem, the pancreas produces even more amounts of insulin. Eventually, the pancreas gets worn out from producing so much insulin until it starts to give in. due to over secretion and production; the pancreas may not be able to make enough insulin to keep the glucose levels within the normal range.
The implementation of proper exercise and weight loss can help overcome this resistance toward insulin that the body has created. For those who are overweight, exercise and weight loss can help prevent the formation of this disease.
How Does High Blood Sugar Cause Weight Gain
High blood sugar can cause an increase in weight in individuals primarily in two ways. The first way is by causing chronically high insulin amounts and the loss of insulin sensitivity.
The other way is when you eat food that rapidly heightens your blood sugar, there can be sudden blood sugar slumps in the following hours which lead to excessive hunger and overeating in an attempt to restore glucose levels back to normal.
Insulin And Fat Gain
Insulin is the hormone that allows the cells to accept the glucose for energy production. The amount of insulin circulating through your system varies on your eating habits. When you consume foods rich in sugar, the body requires more amounts of insulin.
This causes your insulin levels to increase chronically. If your insulin levels are often elevated, your body begins to lose the effect of insulin on it. The cells of your system loose senility to insulin’s action. This causes even more insulin to be deposited into the blood.
You may be wondering what insulin has to do with fat gain. As it turns out, insulin is an anabolic, pro-grow, fat-storing hormone. Basically, the higher its levels in the human body are, the more energy you store as fat.
Insulin also has properties that prevent the burning of fat by suppressing an enzyme called AMPK. This is how high insulin levels in your blood can lead to fat gain and difficulty in weight loss.
Diabetes And Its Relation To Weight Gain
Diabetes is by far one of the most rampant medical ailments that have spread across the globe.
Often, depending on the type of diabetes, people find that they either gain or lose weight drastically when suffering from diabetes. Type-2 diabetes is the cause of weight gain in the stomach primordially.
Many patients have had issues concerning weight gain even before the settlement of diabetes in them.
People who are overweight and obese have a much higher risk of developing diabetes in later stages of their life as compared to others. Similarly, those who have diabetes and have left it undiagnosed for a period of time can also find an increase in their weight.
Diabetes does not lead to the gaining of weight and obesity directly. Though, patients who have been suffering from uncontrolled diabetes earlier would, in fact, gain weight as the glucose level in the blood would normalize. This is normally regarded as the regaining of previously lost weight.
Additional individuals can develop obesity and weight gain due to overeating. Overeating is regarded as a normal sign of patients with diabetes as they go into hypoglycemia due to improper treatment.
The patient may exhibit only hunger for low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and not any other such symptoms. There are also a few anti-diabetic drugs that when prescribed, may lead to weight gain.
Diabetes and high blood sugar are very closely related and can also be the cause of pre-diabetes. Having a pre-diabetes diagnose can be somewhat of an alarming nature.
This condition is often related to the abnormally high blood sugar level. Pre-diabetes is most commonly caused due to the development of insulin resistance developed in the body. It can be considered to be the precursor to type-2 diabetes.
Bearing many similarities with type-2 diabetes, being diagnosed with pre-diabetes can lead to the eventual gaining of weight. the over secretion and production of insulin by the pancreas causes the hormone to lose the effect it has on the body and thus increasing its amounts ion the human system. This result in difficulty to burn fat and lose weight.
Luckily, having pre-diabetes does not mean inevitable development of type-2 diabetes. The important factor is early intervention. Having the proper diet and exercise will allow you to bring your glucose levels back to normal and help you keep your diabetes in control.
High Blood Sugar Control
If you happen to have high glucose levels in your blood, then you bear a risk of having diabetes if you do not have it already.
At times, improper treatment and medication can lead to the aggravation of your condition. To avoid medication and naturally lower your blood sugar level, you can follow these simple ways:
1. Exercise regularly:
Regular exercise and cardio can assist you in lowering your weight and help increase insulin sensitivity in your body. Having better insulin sensitivity allows your cells to better absorb glucose from your bloodstream.
If you happen to have high blood sugar, then routinely checking your glucose levels and adjusting your exercise will help you keep your blood sugar level within the normal range.
2. A controlled intake of carbs:
Carbohydrates are broken down in your body into sugars which are mostly glucose. When you have an excessive amount of carbs intake or problems with insulin function, you become susceptible to high sugar levels.
By controlling the number of carbs you consume, you can avoid the risk of breaking down the normal processing you glucose absorption by your cells.
3. Increase fiber intake:
Eating more fiber can slow down carb digestion and also lower the rate of glucose absorption. This causes the rise of glucose levels and blood sugar to be gradual.
4. Drink adequate water:
Staying hydrated and drinking enough water can help in keeping your blood sugar levels within the range which is considered to be healthy and normal.
Drinking proper amounts of water has shown to lower glucose levels in the blood stream and also lowers the risk of having diabetes.
5. Control stress levels:
It might be surprising to think but stress and anxiety can cause your glucose levels to spike. During periods of stress, horomone like glucagon and cortisol are secreted which causes blood sugar levels to go up.
Studies have found that relaxation, meditation and exercise can drastically reduce stress and lower blood sugar. Relaxation methods like meditation and yoga help in correcting insulin secretion problems in patients with chronic diabetes.

6. Monitor your levels:
To control your glucose levels, you need to monitor it in the first place. Keeping track of this allows you to adjust your routines and make changes which will benefit you. Also, you will be able to know if your sugar level drops down significantly.
Just as having high blood sugar is harmful, extremely low levels can also lead to future problems. Maintaining a track and count of your glucose levels every day will benefit you on making changes in your meals or medication.
7. Quality sleep:
Getting adequate amounts of quality sleep is beneficial for controlling high blood sugar as well as maintaining a healthy body. Poor sleeping conditions or sleep deprivation can lead to insulin insensitivity and increase in apatite which leads to weight gain.
Without sufficient amounts of quality sleep, secretion of excess cortisol can play a vital role in the increase of glucose in the blood.
Making certain lifestyle changes in order to manage your blood sugar is vital. Not only it will help reduce the same to a healthy and normal range but also improve the overall quality of your life and help maintain a healthy body.
Food That Lowers Blood Sugar Level
Lifestyle changes are good natural alternatives to reduce weight and high blood sugar if you have diabetes which may be uncontrolled or undiagnosed. Along with these changes, there are many foods and edibles that help you go about controlling your glucose levels.
A. Non-starchy vegetables:
To lower high blood sugar, you should make non-starchy vegetables a staple item in your diet. Filling your plate with vegetables will help you feel full and satisfies without loading you with a lot of carbs.
Those who fear or have the risk of diabetes should consider increasing the amount of consumption of non-starchy vegetables in the diet.
B. Leafy greens:
Along with non-starchy veggies, having leafy greens packs a more powerful punch when it comes to lowering and controlling your blood sugar levels.

Researchers in London have found that about 1 1/3 cup of raw or about 2/3 cup of cooked leafy greens showed a 14% reduced risk of developing undiagnosed type-2 diabetes.
C. Whole fruits:
Those who suffer from pre-diabetes and weight gain, consuming whole fruits is nothing but beneficial to you. Rather than consuming fruits in the form of smoothies or juice, having them as they provide you with greater amounts of nutrients.
Also eating whole fruits provide a much better source of fiber rather than processing the fruits and eating it. So instead of drinking fruits, you should eat them. Spacing the consumption throughout the day.
D. Whole grains:
Consumption of whole grains has shown to result in glucose levels to increase much more slowly in the blood after meals. This helps in reducing the possibility of having diabetes.

Whole grains also contain fibers that slow down the digestion rate of carbs thus reducing the amount of insulin secreted.
E. Legumes:
Research and development have found that those people who have a high amount of legumes in their diet have a significantly lower risk of not having diabetes and have normal blood sugar levels.
Replacing half a serving of eggs, bread, baked potatoes or rice with legumes also reduces the risk of diabetes.
F. Lean protein:
Eating lean protein not only helps you feel full for a longer period of time by also slows down your digestion so your glucose levels rise more slowly.
Choosing lean protein like fish and plant-based proteins in your diet can greatly help you overcome the risk of diabetes and high blood sugar. Also, you do not consume extra fats so you can control your weight in the meantime.
Diabetes, high glucose levels in the blood and weight gain are all interrelated and it is important to be aware of the signs and effects it has ion the body. Knowing what to eat and what changes to make in order to control the flux of these are crucial for maintaining a healthy life and fit body.
Monitoring your glucose levels and knowing the natural remedies to prevent and control diabetes is something that is both connected to weight gain. Having a proper weight and practising regular exercise is what is key for the control and prevention of high blood sugar and possibly the development of uncontrolled diabetes.
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