6 Amazing Benefits of Morning Walk In Weight Loss | Possible

Benefits of morning walk

Medically reviewed by Spandana NagulapallyMasters in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics

In today’s time, we all look for some sort of healthy body activities among our hectic schedules.

Morning walk is a very accessible form of physical exercise that is easy to practice. It can be done by people of every age group.

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Morning walks not only tone you up but also freshen up your mind and body.

Morning walk
Morning walk helps in weight loss

Morning walks have always been a popular exercise form for many. Well firstly, you can go for morning walks in and around your home itself.

You don’t even have to hit the gym for achieving the benefits of morning walks. So how does morning walks help you?

Studies have shown that weight loss is 70% healthy diet and 30 % of physical activity. 

6 Benefits of morning walk

  • One of the prominent benefits of morning walks is that it can help to reduce high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
  • Brisk walking for 30 minutes every week is found to reduce risks of women’s heart diseases.
  • One of the benefits of walking is that it tones your body and legs.
  • Morning walks can be good for people with cardiovascular issues.
  • Walking in the morning can help you uplift your mood too.
  • Walking is also found to be beneficial for patients with diabetes, osteoporosis etc.

Why is it important to go for a morning walk

Morning walk tips
Morning walk

There can be many benefits of morning walk. Just half an hour of walking every morning can help you boost up the working of your body and make you feel upbeat.

It is also found to be beneficial for patients with many health diseases.

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Studies show that regular walking reduces high blood pressure by almost 11 points and risk of stroke by 20-40 %. Also, those who walked for 30 mins or more, 5 times a week had 30% lower risk of heart disease.

So yes, there can be some real benefits of morning walk. However, just walking doesn’t help much. For greater benefits of morning walks, you need to go for challenging walking or brisk walking.

Try brisk walk during your morning walks

Brisk walking is walking at a faster rate than normal strolling or even walking but slower than running. Brisk walking can be measured in terms of “steps per minute”.

Normal walking doesn’t involve much intensity but brisk walking can be a high-intensity workout that can influence our cardiovascular health. You are brisk walking if you can feel the warmth or sweat during walking.

How does walking on treadmill help you

Another is the treadmill walking that can be very beneficial. Treadmill walks can be great for weight loss. Walking on treadmills give you aerobic workout that is great for your body.

Running or walking on treadmills for about half an hour helps to attain aerobic activity that improves heart health. Treadmills are also great for weight-loss exercising.

To know more about how to achieve a healthy lifestyle along with a healthy diet, you can always drop by to any of the Possible Centres and ask our Nutrition experts themselves. All for FREE! Just click and get started!

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To help you understand this more, here’s a short video. This will enlighten you to the role of morning walks in weight loss.


4 thoughts on “6 Amazing Benefits of Morning Walk In Weight Loss | Possible

  1. Hetal Maheswari says:

    Thanks a lot bud…,
    I was searching for this article for so long on google as well as on bing…
    You’ve clearly pointed out important things which I really appreciate it…
    I’m also sharing this article to my every colleagues and friends…
    Again, a big thumbs up for your great work….
    I have question : which walking is more beneficial for health, morning walk or night walk ?

    • somaraghavendra says:

      Hi Hetal! We appreciate you for taking your valuable time to share us the feedback. Great to know that you found this article is very helpful and shared with your colleagues too. Morning walk would be very beneficial, because you will be in a fresh mood and good oxygen in the environment which promotes good blood circulation, stomach will be light, it’s very good for clearing your bowel and also doing Surya namaskara in the morning time will help you in weight-loss. Keep following our blog to know more health information.

  2. Living well therapy says:

    Morning walk makes you so relaxed and stress free Love the way the birds are chirping. I would say that it is something that’s not worth missing just because of sleep.

    • somaraghavendra says:

      Hi! Morning walk would be very beneficial, because you will be in a fresh mood and good oxygen in the environment which promotes good blood circulation, stomach will be light, it’s very good for clearing your bowel and also doing Surya namaskara in the morning time will help you in weight-loss. Keep following our blog to know more health information.

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