Guidelines To Improve your Immunity If You have Obesity

obesity and immune system

Medically reviewed by Dr. Shunmukha Priya, Ph.D. in Food Science and Nutrition

Obesity is a condition that results from fat accumulation, which leads to many chronic autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.

Recent studies reported that humans affected by obesity and obese animal models have shown an impaired immune response leading to increased chances for various infections.[1]

When your BMI is greater than 30, you belong to obese category and it is recommended to lose weight so your immunity is enhanced. Studies reported that maintaining a healthy weight is beneficial to the immune system. The first step here is to lose weight in a healthy way. [4]

One of our primary mottos is to get you into a journey of healthy lifestyle which helps you lose weight and stay away from obesity, and immunity building.

There are measures that will help you deal with bringing down obesity and build immune system, below are a few.


  • As you belongs to obese category, you should consume high fiber, adequate protein and complex carbohydrates along with other micro nutrients rich diet .
  • A plant based diet with low fat helps to boost the immune system. The immune system relies on white blood cells that produce antibodies to combat  disease causing bacteria, viruses, and other invaders.
  • Research shows that excessive intake of fat impairs white blood cell function and that high-fat diets may alter the gut microbiota which helps in immunity.[2]
  • For carbs, do not just rely on wheat & rice, but also have a variety of whole grains and millets.
  • Studies have shown that fruits and vegetables provide nutrients like beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E that can boost immune function. Because many vegetables, fruits, and other plant-based foods are rich in antioxidants, they help reduce oxidative stress.
  • Vitamin D: Research shows vitamin D supplements may reduce the risk for viral infections, including respiratory tract infections, by reducing production of proinflammatory compounds in the body.[3]
  • Zinc is a mineral that can help boost white blood cells, which defend against invaders. Sources of zinc include nuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, beans, and lentils. 
  • ​Include the Immune Booster foods such as bright coloured whole fruits, fresh garlic, ginger, onion, tomato juice / tomato-based soups, non-starchy vegetables such as spinach, carrots, cauliflower and also you can have green tea/ black tea.
  • Make sure to consume protein foods such as sprouts/dal/legume preparation/curries/ egg whites in the diet. Limit non-veg for weekly twice and can opt for fish or skinless chicken breast etc.
  •  Prebiotics and probiotics play a major role in improving gut health, so include naturally fermented foods like Idli, Dosa, Dhokla, fermented kanji, germinated moong sprouts, pickled vegetables etc.
  • Include curds and buttermilk regularly in mid meals or along with major meals to improve gut health.
  • Include combinations of nuts and seeds which are sources of good fats. Seeds such as sunflower seeds, watermelon seeds, muskmelon seeds and nuts such as almonds, walnuts are health friendly. These seeds and nuts can be taken as a snack in the mid-morning or evenings.
  • Cut down on oil, it should not be more than 2 to 3 tsp every day if you are trying to lose weight. Use cold pressed oil instead of refined oils.
  • Eat your first meal within 30-60 minutes of getting up. And it should not be tea/coffee. Ideally, it should be a fruit/seeds/nuts/veg juice.
  • Eat in a distraction free environment. Eat slowly and mindfully until you are 75% full. You should be satisfied but not stuffed.
  • Try to have a light dinner if possible. And maintain a gap of 2 to 3 hrs between dinner and sleep.

Stay Hydrated

  • Drink 2.5 to 3 litres of water daily. Preferably boiled water.

Stay hydrated

  • Have liquids such as a combination of unstrained vegetable juice, buttermilk, lime water, tender coconut water and green tea daily.
  • Avoid cold drinks and excessive intake of teas and coffees


  • Sleep: Inadequate sleep is linked to suppress immune function. It is a strong regulator of immunological processes, especially adaptive immunity. Also, Inadequate sleep results in obesity. Maintain a routine into which 7 to 8 hrs is given for sleep.
  • Quit Smoking: Smoking has an effect on both the innate and adaptive immunity. It suppresses the normal development and functions of the cells that are responsible for driving immunity in the body.
  • Alcohol: If you have a habit of drinking alcohol, drink alcohol in moderation. Alcohol is also known to impair immunity.
  • Stress: When you are stressed, the body releases excessive inflammatory promoting cytokines in the blood, and this will affect the normal function of immune cells.  Practice de-stressing activities like gardening, yoga, engaging favourite in hobbies like chess, Ludo, painting etc.
  • Exercise : Studies have proved that regular physical activity may enhance the immune system and provide protection against infection. Regular exercise is an important detoxing tool as well as beneficial for weight loss.  Exercise helps to relieve stress and increases the flow of oxygen to the brain. It stimulates our bodies to shed toxins and strengthen bones and muscles. Try to incorporate 30 minutes of physical exercise 5 times a week. 

Supplements and Medications

Nutritional deficiencies are one of the reasons for weight gain. Hence, you need to take the supplements rightly. You can discuss the same with your nutrition coach too and take their guidance.  

  • Probiotic Supplement – For gut health, include a probiotic supplement like Velgut or Darolac, one tab daily after lunch, continued for a month. After 3 months it should be repeated again for a month.
  • Multivitamin Supplement – Any multivitamin can be included daily after breakfast and can be continued for 2 weeks to 1 month.
  • Vitamin-D Supplement – One Vitamin D tab like D rise or Tayo 60K can be taken weekly once for 6-8 weeks any time after meals. Studies shown that obese person have low levels of Vitamin D in their plasma and hence supplements should be provided to them. 
  • Vitamin-B12 Supplement – B12 deficiency is seen mostly among vegetarians and who are diabetic. Met-Neurobion is a vitamin B12 supplement containing MECOBALAMIN and that can be had 1 Tab daily after lunch and continued for a month.

General Hygiene

  • Wash hands properly for 20 secs with a liquid soap and use Hand Sanitizer frequently.

stay hygiene

  • Wear masks and gloves while going out and maintain 1-meter distance with others.
  • Avoid touching face specially eyes, nose and mouth

Diet Plan for Obesity and Immune System

Beetroot 50  g 
Carrot 50  g 
Boiled Corn20  g 
Cabbage50  g 
Onions50  g 
Cucumber50  g 
Green chilli (Chopped)1 tsp
Possible Apple Cider Vinegar2 tsp
Coriander½ Bunch
Curry leaves (Chopped)A few
Olive oil1 tsp
Black Salt  to taste

Disclaimer: Possible does not claim to cure any diseases. Results may vary. Diet supervision is not a substitute for medical treatment. You can prefer food/recipes as per local availability. 


Obesity is one of the biggest concerns especially among children, globally. Unhealthy lifestyle is the major cause for obesity and this intern affects the immune system of the body. It is not widely known that obesity and immune system are dependent, and both worsen if your daily routine is upside down.

The measures that we have come up with, has been most effective for a lot of individuals. Have you ever faced health problems after a day of healthy eating? Almost never! That is what keeps an individual away from anything hazardous. Eating clean, hygiene practices, adequate sleep and keeping your body hydrated, the list is long yet most important to all humans today.

There is a lot going on currently with the COVID-19 and the worldwide lockdown. All of us are stranded inside our homes and today we are more concerned about our health and lifestyle. With these situations around we have bought up obesity and immune system and how are they dependent and also how to deal with obesity.

We have several programs that will help you with your weightloss journey and more importantly gain that extra immunity to yourself to fight off these viruses. Join us today, Right now! Let us get healthy and happy together and forever!


1 thoughts on “Guidelines To Improve your Immunity If You have Obesity

  1. swati says:

    Thanks a lot deepika for sharing these important guidelines to gain immunity when we are obese to something here i have learned so many new things which i have never read before , Made a bookmark for future use . Really Thank full to you

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