Cholesterol has been a serious matter of concern, especially for the ones in their later part of life. A study reveals that a majority of women above the age of 55 and men after they reach 45 years of age to experience the symptoms of cholesterol.
Table Of Contents:
- What is Cholesterol and How It Is Dangerous?
- How to Control Cholesterol with Home Remedies?
- Some Foods That Increase Good and Bad Cholesterol Levels
- Natural Superfoods to Reduce cholesterol
If the health condition wherein high cholesterol is present in the blood prolongs, the individual stands at high risk of suffering a heart attack, a stroke or might have to deal with various cardiovascular diseases for a long term.
There is definitely more than one solution to the problem. But before we get to the solution, we have to understand the problem in detail.
In this article, we are going to learn briefly about high cholesterol and its risk factors and discuss different home remedies on how to reduce cholesterol quickly.
What is Cholesterol and How It Is Dangerous?
Cholesterol is a fat-like, waxy substance that is found in the blood. Being oil based in nature it does not mix with blood and is carried around the body in chemical vehicles called lipoproteins.
It is definitely an essential substance for the body as it regulates the production of vitamin D and certain hormones. and also helps with the digestion of food. Cholesterol is naturally produced in a human body in the liver and intestines and about 20% of the cholesterol is derived from the food we eat.
LDL, also known as ‘bad cholesterol’ increases the chances of cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks, and stroke by leading to a blockage in the arteries and thus, blocking the flow of oxygen-rich blood in the heart.
Causes of high cholesterol in a healthy person may depend on factors like age, gender, the Body Mass Index of a person, his health condition, his diet and habits like drinking and smoking. Increase in bad cholesterol in the human body is really dangerous.
No certain symptoms in the body indicate the high levels on cholesterols unless in extreme cases when the individual suffers a heart attack, a stroke or chest pain and experience pain while walking for the blockage in the arteries make the supply of oxygen-rich blood down to the legs difficult.
How to Control Cholesterol with Home Remedies?
Given below are a few home remedies to reduce cholesterol quickly in a way that it does not mess up with your health anytime in the future:
1. Eat Oatmeal Every Morning
Ditch the oil-rich Indian breakfast and switch to oatmeal every morning. Oatmeal is super light and is a fast recipe to make every morning. It increases your total cholesterol levels, drops down your LDL levels and increased HDL levels. You may also try some fun recipes including fruits like strawberry and kiwi in your oatmeal.
2. Include Vitamin K2 in your diet
Rich sources of Vitamin K2 include natto, egg yolk, butter, soft cheese and chicken liver. It is important to include vitamin K2 in the diet as it unclogs the plaque formed in the arteries and thus, prevents serious health concerns like stroke and heart attack.
3. Some apples and blueberries might help
Blueberries are excellent anti-oxidants and apples finely perform their job of lowering LDL cholesterol levels. They are tasty, nutritious and widely popular and have proven to be really good for the heart too. Having 50 grams of blueberries can lower the LDL oxidation by 27 per cent over eight weeks in obese people.
4. Cook with Fish oil
Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that fairly increase the HDL cholesterol level in the blood and reduces triglycerides, another type of fat that contributes to the formation of plaque in the arteries. Not only does it lower cholesterol but omega 3 and monounsaturated fats contain antioxidants which help reduce inflammation and prevent the formation of arterial plaque.
6. No alternative to exercise
Exercise improves blood circulation in the body, levels up HDL production and are proven to lower triglycerides. Rigorous exercise schedules may also contribute to weight loss that in turn helps in lowering LDL levels in the blood.
Your Body mass index (BMI) to help decide whether you are at a healthy weight, overweight, or obese. A high BMI could mean you’re at risk for certain health problems, including high cholesterol. If you have heart disease, it’s especially important to watch your weight and your cholesterol levels.
Fortunately, eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise can help keep you trim and control cholesterol.
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7. Substitute other beverages with green tea
Green tea contains anti-oxidant properties that reduce LDL in the body.
Mentioned above are the hacks on how to reduce cholesterol with home remedies. Follow these recipes to lower cholesterol and do not forget to switch on to low cholesterol Indian diet chart to be on the safer side and avoid your heart being prone to damage.
8. Lose Weight
Carrying a few extra kilograms contributes to high cholesterol so add small changes. Switch to water from sugary beverages, stay away from sweets, air popped popcorns etc. Look for alternative ways to keep your body active such as using the stairs instead of the elevator or parking your vehicle farther from your office. Take small walks during your break.
9. Quit Smoking
Saying goodbye to smoking improves your HDL cholesterol levels tremendously. There are many benefits like
- Within a year of quitting, the risk of heart disease is half that of a smoker.
- Your blood circulation and lung function will improve after three months of quitting.
- Within 20 minutes of quitting, your blood pressure and heart rate recover from the cigarette-induced spike.
10. Drink Alcohol in Moderation
If you drink alcohol, do in moderation, for healthy adults, one drink a day for women of all ages and up to two drinks for men. Too much alcohol can lead to serious health problems, including strokes, high blood pressure, and heart failure.
Some Foods That Increase Good and Bad Cholesterol Levels
Planning your diet is one essential step that you will have to take in order to cut on your cholesterol levels. Usually, highly processed foods are known to increase LDL or ‘bad cholesterol’ in the body.
You would be strictly told to stay away from food items like red meat, sausages, bacon, pastries, and beverages with added sugar in it. You also must not eat food cooked in corn, soy, canola, and other vegetable oil. Packaged food is also a big no-no.
There are plenty of healthy food items to consider in the other way.
Try your own recipes made from delicious green veggies and include whole grains, beans, and legumes in it. It is best to cook food in olive oil and it is up to you to make sure you are having enough fibrous fruits and water. Say no to cigarettes and alcohol and be regular with your diet to get the best results.
You may also follow the low cholesterol Indian diet chart and include fish and chicken in your diet, ditching red meats, sausages, and hamburgers. Nuts, particularly walnuts can contribute to it too. Walnuts contain polyunsaturated fats. A glass of wine daily would be fine too.
Here is some fun, easy to make recipes that you may try so as to make your healthy meals taste amazing:
1. A potato delight
This recipe only involves a baked potato, sliced from the top and stuffed with veggies inside. Have it with some sauce if you may like.
2. Chicken breasts cooked with veggies
Boiled chicken recipes are simple. You can cook them with beans, carrots and whatever vegetables you may like.
3. Oatmeals
op your oatmeal up with some nuts, sliced fruits like papayas, bananas, kiwi and have it as you may like.
Natural Superfoods to Reduce cholesterol
How to Lower Cholesterol?, Here’s a list of Cholesterol Lowering Superfoods :
Are you still looking for a reduce cholesterol, so you don’t put it back again? Start by taking a FREE health consultation at your home