The best diet for a healthy heart is one that is full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, and fiber. It should also be low in saturated fats and trans fats.
The right balance of foods including healthy fats and carbs, lean protein, energy-boosting fruits, and vegetables.
When your aim is to have a healthy heart, your diet is the most important aspect of it all. The foods for a healthy heart should be the right balance of fats, proteins, carbohydrates.

Besides eating a healthy diet, you can keep your risk factors to a minimum by getting plenty of rest, quitting smoking, keeping alcohol to a minimum, and getting some stress-reducing food and exercise each day.
Staying fit doesn’t mean that your meals have to be bland or boring.
Healthy heart foods that will leave you satisfied.
1. Salmon
Salmon is a superstar when it comes to being a healthy heart food. That’s because the fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, shown in studies to lower the risk of arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) and atherosclerosis (plaque build-up in the arteries) and decrease triglycerides. Dietitians recommend eating fish and preferably fatty fish at least twice a week.
2. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is high in soluble fiber, which can lower cholesterol. It acts as a sponge in the digestive tract and soaks up the cholesterol so it is eliminated from the body and not absorbed into the bloodstream. This is one of the great foods to eat to keep your heart healthy.
3. Blueberries
Not just blueberries, but strawberries and other berries as well are considered as heart-healthy fruits.
These berries have a compound known as anthocyanins, flavonoids (which are antioxidants) and help in decreasing the blood pressure and dilates blood vessels.
4. Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, which has been linked with a lower risk of heart disease [1].
5. Soy
Soy products contain high levels of polyunsaturated fats (good for your health), fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
Soy reduces blood pressure in people who eat a diet high in refined carbohydrates. And compared with milk or other proteins, soy protein can actually decrease LDL or “bad” cholesterol [2].
6. Dark Chocolate
Several studies have now shown that dark chocolate benefits our heart [3]. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids called polyphenols, which help in controlling blood pressure, clotting and inflammation.

7. Potatoes
There is no reason to shun potatoes because they’re white and perceived as “bad” starch. As long as they’re not deeply fried, potatoes can be good for the heart.
They are rich in potassium, which can help lower blood pressure. And they are high in fiber, which can lower the risk for heart disease [4].
8. Tomatoes
Like potatoes, tomatoes are high in heart-healthy potassium. Plus, they’re a good source of the antioxidant lycopene [5].
Lycopene is a carotenoid that helps in getting rid of “bad” cholesterol, keep blood vessels open, and lower heart attack risk.
9. Nuts
Nuts include almonds, walnuts, pistachios, peanuts, and macadamia nuts, all of which contain good-for-your-heart fiber. They also contain vitamin E, which helps lower bad cholesterol. And some, like walnuts, are high in omega-3 fatty acids too.
10. Legumes
Because they come from plants, legumes such as beans, lentils, and peas are an excellent source of protein without a lot of unhealthy fat. legumes help in controlling blood sugar in diabetics.
Lowering blood sugar levels is key to helping people avoid diabetes complications, one of which is heart disease.
11. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Olive oil is a good source of monounsaturated fats, which can help reduce both cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Olives themselves—both green and black—are another source of good fat.
12. Red Wine
Red wine, or small amounts of any type of alcohol, is thought to lower heart disease risk. (Higher amounts, more than a drink or two a day, can actually increase risk.)
While some say a polyphenol found in red wine, resveratrol, gives that beverage an added benefit, research suggests that any type of alcohol in moderation works.
13. Green Tea
Green tea has antioxidants known as catechins which helps in keeping the heart-healthy.
14. Broccoli, Spinach and Kale
Green vegetables give an extra boost to your heart. These are high in carotenoids, which act as antioxidants and free your body of potentially harmful compounds.
They’re also high in fiber and contain tons of vitamins and minerals. Kale also has some omega-3 fatty acids.
15. Flax Seeds
Flax seeds, as well as chia seeds, are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Also, they have high fiber content. Try them ground up with other heart-healthy foods, such as dried blueberries, cranberries, or oatmeal or even blended with soy milk and fruit to create a smoothie.
16. Avocado
Avocados have a well-established reputation for providing the body and heart with healthy fats. They are rich in monounsaturated fats that lower cholesterol. They are also high in antioxidants and potassium.

So start including these superfoods in your daily diet and get a hale and hearty heart in the making. Heart health should be your top priority which unfortunately takes a back burner for the fact that it usually shows no early symptoms. The reality of your heart hits you only when it is rather late. So start today and get going on making your heart healthy!
1] Why is important to eat the right foods for healthy heart?
If your heart is healthy then your overall body looks and feels healthy. To keep your heart healthy eat a balanced meal of proteins, carbs and fats.
2] What are the signs of healthy heart?
When you are able to breathe easy despite exertion, and feel refreshed after exercising, and your skin has natural glow and body looks toned, your cholesterol levels are just right; it means you have a healthy heart.
3] What are the signs of unhealthy heart?
Excessive fatigue, dizziness, nausea, pain on the left side of your torso, all signify unhealthy or ailing heart.
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Hi Sam! We thank you for sharing your valuable feedback on 16 foods that helps in healthy heart and weight-loss. Keep following our blog to know more health information and be healthy.
Nice article!!!. Self control in choosing our food we eat can help maintain a healthy diet too.
Hi Felins! We are glad that you liked our article about 16 foods that helps for healthy heart and weight-loss. Keep following our blog to know more health information.
hey! this is really great staff, I will try it out.
Hi August! We thank you for sharing your valuable feedback on ” 16 foods that helps in healthy heart and weight-loss. Keep following our blog to know such more information.