Globally, obesity is a threatening factor imposed over every niche of the population, ranging from physical deformities, physiological degradation to even, mortality. It is high time for you to know, where you are heading to, how healthy this journey is and how healthy can you make it ahead, to achieve your fitter and healthier version. Table […]
Tag Archives: heart
Heart disease or CVD, being the leading cause of death, demands immediate attention. But it is not exquisite efforts or any self-proclaimed supplements, that can render your health. It can be assured with simple, basic steps, right from your home and kitchen, that will make a healthy, sustainable impact. Table of Content The emergence of […]
When I say sour foods, I can imagine the picture of a lemon or the meme of baby tasting lemon for the first time. These variety of sour foods are not just adding tanginess and taste to our food but also are capable of imparting innumerable health benefits. Table of Contents Sour taste in Ayurveda […]
The best diet for a healthy heart is one that is full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, and fiber. It should also be low in saturated fats and trans fats. The right balance of foods including healthy fats and carbs, lean protein, energy-boosting fruits, and vegetables. When your aim is to have a healthy heart, […]
Moringa oleifera is commonly known as the Drumstick Tree, is blessed with a variety of health benefits. It found its uses in Ayurveda for its natural capabilities of correcting many health concerns. The best part about Moringa oleifera is that from its leaves to pods, almost everything is edible. Due to the different moringa benefits, […]