Have a photogenic face but don’t like your pictures… thanks to the double chin or the fat belly that appeared on the image? Yes.. many of us go through this day in and day out! An impressively chiseled body is something all of us crave for but don’t have an idea how to acquire it. […]
Tag Archives: fat
You are on a weight loss program, started losing weight as targeted initially but after some weight loss, you observe that scale is not moving. Has this happened to you? Then you are not alone, many individuals experience this during their weight loss journey. Why this could be happening? Table of Content Understanding weight loss […]
Globally, obesity is a threatening factor imposed over every niche of the population, ranging from physical deformities, physiological degradation to even, mortality. It is high time for you to know, where you are heading to, how healthy this journey is and how healthy can you make it ahead, to achieve your fitter and healthier version. Table […]
Medically reviewed by Darshita Thakkar, Nutrition Training and Quality Manager for PAN India Wake up and smell the beans! The saying definitely has a meaning. No beverage energizes you like the way coffee does. It acts as an instant energy booster, especially black coffee. A large number of people around the world drink coffee first thing in […]
Yes! Don’t rub your eye in disbelief, fats can help you in weight loss too. Although the world focuses on the amount of fat intake, the type of fat also plays a crucial role in health promotion, disease prevention, and weight loss. Table of contents About Good fats, Bad fats The Good fat for weight […]
Medically reviewed by Spandana Nagulapally, Masters in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics Let us be honest. Though body shaming may be highly looked down upon today, it does remain a topic of mockery for many, hurting the men struggling with the problem of fatty bulges and belly fat. Whenever men look down at their bulges, it reminds them […]