Heart disease or CVD, being the leading cause of death, demands immediate attention. But it is not exquisite efforts or any self-proclaimed supplements, that can render your health. It can be assured with simple, basic steps, right from your home and kitchen, that will make a healthy, sustainable impact. Table of Content The emergence of […]
Tag Archives: healthy heart
Weight gain triggered by high cholesterol levels and triglycerides can lead to heart diseases. Ensure a healthy heart with a weight loss diet that lowers bad cholesterol levels in your blood. There is enough research to prove that if your weight is ill-managed you are putting a lot of pressure on your heart. Uncontrolled levels […]
A heart-healthy diet is not confined to opting for new options, spending time and effort, but it is more about making wise choices amidst the available options and be healthy and fit. Table of Contents Healthy heart A heart-healthy diet Statistics to consider A Healthy Heart A fit and active heart is a valuable asset, […]
Medical Reviewed by Ashwathy V. Pillai, Postgraduate Degree in Dietetics & Applied NutritionA healthy heart means healthy body. If you live a stress-free life and seem to have correct body vitals and do not get tired after exertion, means you have a healthy heart. Do keep it going strong. Death due to cardiovascular disease or […]
The best diet for a healthy heart is one that is full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, and fiber. It should also be low in saturated fats and trans fats. The right balance of foods including healthy fats and carbs, lean protein, energy-boosting fruits, and vegetables. When your aim is to have a healthy heart, […]
Orange juice offers many health benefits, and can help prevent some serious diseases and disorders. It is a rich source of vitamin C and A which are powerful antioxidants which protect the body from pollutants and free radicals. Has a beneficial effect on heart health. You already know that drinking orange juice is beneficial as […]
Cardiovascular (heart-related) diseases are currently one of the leading causes of death. A healthy diet and lifestyle can definitely help reduce your risk for heart disease or deter your current heart condition from worsening. Here’s an opportunity to learn a little something about the heart and how diet plays a major role in a healthy heart. […]
Nutritionists in general, ask their clients to exclude fat from the diet. This is to prevent the buildup of cholesterol in the arteries. Now there are two types of cholesterols – the LDL (low-density lipoproteins) cholesterol which is termed as the ‘bad’ cholesterol and HDL (high-density lipoproteins) cholesterol which is the ‘good’ cholesterol. While excess […]
When we say healthy foods or habits for a healthy heart then what does it mean? You would imagine a diet with low cholesterol and saturated fat! However, what if we say that even after consuming high amounts of cholesterol and saturated fat you could have a low risk of obesity and heart disease? Unheard of […]