Tag Archives: bariatric surgery

7 Side Effects of Weight Loss Surgery | Possible

Bariatric surgery side effects

Medical Reviewed by Sindhu Vas,Post Graduate in Nutrition and Food scienceIndia is with 41 million obese people which made it the third fattest country in the world right after US and China. And that leads to the rise of the weight loss industry in the country like never before. And so as the number of […]

6 Weight Loss Treatments You Should Totally Avoid

Weight Loss Treatments

Medically reviewed by Shanmukha Priya, M.Phil and Ph.D. in Food Science and Nutrition With obesity spreading its wings across the world targeting not only the adult population but also children alike, the number of obese people has increased manifolds and so have the methods of weight loss treatment making it a lucrative commercial opportunity for the Medicare […]

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