Tag Archives: diabetes diet menu

Diabetic Diet – Indian Diet Plan & Foods To Eat Or Avoid

Diabetic Diet Plan

What is Diabetes? Diabetes Mellitus (diabetes in short) is a serious disorder that occurs when the body had difficulty in regulating the amount of dissolved sugar (glucose) in your blood stream. It arises because the body is unable to produce enough insulin for its own needs, either because of impaired insulin secretion, impaired insulin action, […]

Type 2 Diabetes – A Disorder That Can Be Better Managed With Food

Medically reviewed by Spandana Nagulapally, Masters in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics If you have diabetes, especially Type 2, then what kind of regime you should follow? This is the one question that nutritionists are constantly bombarded with while dealing with diabetes. Speaking about diabetes, it is not something new to India and we have been seeing it […]

Diabetic Diet: A Guide To Manage Diabetes With Healthy Food

Diabetes with healthy food

Medically reviewed by Spandana Nagulapally, Masters in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics A diabetes diet is one of the most searched questions! Do you know why? It is because of the increasing prevalence of this life-threatening metabolic disorder. Diabetes is one of the most threatening disorders which is spreading at an alarming rate. In the last three decades, […]

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