Tag Archives: hyper acidity

Can Weight Loss Diet Lead To Hyperacidity and How To Manage This

Hyper acidity

Not eating right during your weight loss plan can lead to hyperacidity and severe discomfort. Take to low acid weight loss diet plan to ensure a healthy and happy weight loss journey. Table Of Contents Low acid weight loss diet plan Your low acid weight loss diet to beat hyperacidity What can be the relation […]

Hyper Acidity vs. IBS | The Difference Between them!

Ibs & Acidity

Having an upset stomach several times a week might be IBS or Hyper Acidity/ Acid reflux. What is the difference between these conditions? You must have experienced abdominal aches, bloating, and sour taste in your throat sometime in your life. Many people do not take their bellies seriously and just keep on pushing inside as […]

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