Obesity and an overweight condition not only cause back and knee problems but also causes issues with blood circulation.
When one does nothing about it, it could cause coronary heart disease and even lead to one being diagnosed with diabetes.
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Those developing fat around the midsection have more chances of developing fatty deposits in blood vessels, thus putting them at an increased risk for heart disease.
However, weight loss can not only improve the circulation but also reverse the damaging effect.
Being overweight can cause serious health issues. Click here to know about them.
Higher body mass and blood circulation
How does increase in weight affect blood circulation? Read on.
Narrowing of arteries:
Obesity & weight gain could seriously damage the circulatory system by clogging the arteries with fat, blocking the blood flow.
In fact, obese people often have atherosclerosis, where plaque-clogged arteries end up narrowing them, leading to lesser blood flow and lesser oxygen. Organ failure follows, leading to strokes, heart diseases, and high blood pressure.
Lowering of adiponectin levels:
An International Journal of Cardiology’s 2009 study observed that when obese women lost weight, it improved their circulation, and the reason was augmented adiponectin levels. The protein adiponectin breaks down fats and regulates glucose levels in the body.
With weight gain the protein level in the body reduces making it more difficult for obese individuals to manage weight, thus slowing blood circulation. Adiponectin levels recover with weight loss, bettering the circulation system.
How to improve blood circulation?
A combination of exercise and healthy weight loss can improve circulation problems. Cardio exercises and good, proper, nutritious diets which are low in sodium, cholesterol, and saturated fats will work the best.
Here are some great ways to boost your circulation:
1. Drinking tea:
Teas are rich in antioxidants such ascatechins, polyphenols, and flavonoids which help with the dilation of flow-
mediated arteries which is an indicator of arterial health –
says a study published in the journal Circulation reveals.
White, green and black tea increase the blood’s antioxidant status and
further studies suggest that tea can help prevent heart disease, too.
2. Eating iron-rich foods:
The blood oxygen transporter, haemoglobin, is rich in iron, and haemoglobin deficiency negatively impacts blood circulation.
Make sure that you eat iron-rich foods such as kidney beans, lentils, leafy green veggies, whole grain cereals, and red meat, among others.
3. Monitoring your blood pressure and weight:
Weight loss and reduced intake of salty foods help control blood pressure, which aids circulation. Excess of sodium causes blood vessels to contract, affecting the circulation. Simultaneously, one should also increase one’s potassium levels with foods like bananas and leafy green veggies.
What should your ideal weight be? Check your BMI with TruWeight.
4. Eating buckwheat:
The grain-like seeds in buckwheat are rich in the natural flavonoid rutin, which strengthens the blood vessels. Instead of the usual starchy grains, rice, or couscous, use buckwehat. Try making buckwehat pancakes as well.
5. Keeping fit:
One of the best ways to improve blood circulation and fight obesity and being overweight is by keeping fit with any form of exercise.
Indulging in cardiovascular exercises – cycling, running, walking, etc. – gets one moving, increases the heart rate, gets the blood pumping and boosts circulation.
- Do you have a desk job where you sit too much? Stand up at your desk at regular intervals, do leg extensions, and lift your legs regularly, and your circulation will become better.
- Do you have a trampoline at home? Use it! According to a NASA report, rebounding is 70% more effective than jogging for a fitness boost, and aids in bettering circulation too.
- Do you have a favourite relaxing activity such as tai chi, meditation, or yoga? Studies have found that these therapies improve both circulation and heart function.
6. Stop smoking:
Tobacco contains carbon monoxide, which lessens the ability of the blood to carry oxygen. What’s more, the valuable antioxidants in the blood are destroyed and blood pressure is raised by the smoke and nicotine, causing severe circulatory problems.
Using body shapers hinders blood circulation. Click here to know how.
7. Eat folates:
Folates are B vitamins with an important role in blood cells production and haemoglobin formation. Make sure you eat more of cereals, peas, dried beans, leafy vegetables, and fruits rich in folates or folic acid.
Did you know?
A University of Dundee Medical Research Institute study found that the herb ‘Ginkgo Biloba’ could play a role in relieving Raynaud’s disease symptoms. This condition causes the extremity blood vessels (toes, fingers) to constrict, causing feelings of pain and cold, as well as poor circulation. Ginkgo Bilobahelps dilate the blood vessels.
8. Scrub your skin:
Briskly scrubbing one’s skin with a loofah or a body brush before showering not only stimulates blood circulation but also helps in the healthy functioning of the lymphatic system.
9. Eating oily fish:
Make sure you eat omega-3 fatty acids rich fish such as herring, mackerel, and salmon 1-2 times every week. These fish make the blood less viscous, reducing the risk of heart disease and blood clotting, or thrombosis.
10. Eating garlic:
Garlic, the all-around tonic, is known to cleanse the blood. In fact, fresh garlic also makes for a great addition of flavour to many dishes.
11. Eating ginger:
Ginger is a widely-recognized blood circulation aid. Whether it is a tea infusion or whether it is a stir-fry dish, ginger makes for a great addition.
The importance of blood circulation with reference to health is not given much importance even when people have symptoms of poor blood circulation such as swollen fingers and feet, fatigue, and cold feet and hands.
Ignoring these symptoms isn’t a good idea, as it can lead to serious health issues. Follow the tips above and improve blood circulation.
1. How to improve blood circulation naturally?
Eating fruits such as oranges, goji berries, watermelons, etc., staying warm during the cold, getting enough exercise, quitting smoking, getting a massage, drinking plenty of water, and elevating your legs will improve blood circulation.
2. What are the side effects of being overweight?
Some side-effects of being overweight are risk of heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, cancer (possibly), joint pain, arthritis, and an overall unhealthy body.
3. What are the symptoms of poor blood circulation?
Cold hands/feet around the year, tingling sensations at the extremities, lack of energy, regular dizzy spells, poor memory and concentration, dry skin, feet swelling, etc. are some symptoms of poor blood circulation.
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