15 Yoga Poses To Try For Flat Stomach | Possible

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Looking for toned stomach, but doing ab crunches seems simply boring? Then try yoga poses instead. Doing yoga poses the right way not only gives you a flat stomach, but it also tones your overall body.

Doing yoga on a daily basis goes a long way in improving your overall body images and self-esteem. Yoga is one of the best forms since it burns fat, stretches, and tones your muscles.

The yoga poses whittle down your waistline

It is a known fact that losing excess around the waistline is one of the toughest to achieve. Reducing belly fat takes time, patience, and a daily dose of muscle toning exercises.

It also allows you to do more targeted workouts to slim down your waistline and improve your body shape.

1. Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)

Sun Salutations are popular yogaa asanas for weight loss
Sun Salutations are popular yoga asanas for weight loss

The most popular series of yoga poses to reduce belly fat is Surya Namaskar.

It has 12 breath-controlled poses that lead to over-all body toning and weight loss.

Doing at least 10 rounds of Sun Salutation daily improves your complete well-being.

2. Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Downward Facing Dog yoga to reduce belly fat
Downward Facing Dog yoga to reduce belly fat

Let us look at the first asana of yoga to reduce belly fat. To do this pose, lie on your stomach on the floor or yoga mat.

Now slowly lift your body on all four limbs and bring your hands and feet close to each other to acquire the Mountain-like structure.

Now you have to hold the pose for some time. When you are performing this pose, you can actually feel your belly area undergoing compression which in real aids weight loss.

Doing this pose helps increase bone density and helps you get rid of fatigue.

This pose also stretches the body and helps you get rid of stiffness and pain, along with increasing the blood circulation in the body.

3. Hand-under-foot Pose (Padahastasana)

This is the next asana of yoga to reduce belly fat. Start this by inhaling a deep breath in.

Now slowly bend your body forward and put your hands under your respective foot.

Your nose should touch the knees and hold the pose for a while.

Even if you can’t do the pose properly, stay at it as you will get it after a few times of practicing.

Hand under foot Yoga Pose
Hand under foot Yoga Pose

This asana exerts immense pressure on your belly fat thereby reducing it.

4. Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

Chair pose yoga to reduce belly fat
Chair pose yoga to reduce belly fat

This is the next asana of yoga to reduce belly fat. Stand on the floor or mat, whatever suits you. Bend both your knees simultaneously.

Place your hands in front or up with palms facing each other.

 This is a powerful asana that works up your arm and leg muscles along with stimulating your heart.

5. Seated-forward-bend Pose (Paschimottanasana)

Seated forward bend yoga pose
Seated forward bend yoga pose

Now let us look at another pose of yoga to reduce belly fat, which is Paschimottanasana.

In this, you have to sit on the floor and stretch your legs to the front.

Now, hold both of your toes with either your hand and try touching your knees with your nose.

Performing this asana, you will feel intense pressure on your belly area which leads you to reduce your belly fat.

6. Gas-releasing Pose (Pawanmuktasana)

Gas releasing yoga to reduce belly fat
Gas releasing yoga to reduce belly fat

Another very effective pose of yoga to reduce belly fat is Pawanmuktasana.

This asana is done by folding one of your legs at the knees, locking your arms over your knees, bringing it to your chest, and trying to touch your nose to the knees.

Now repeat this with the other leg as well. This yoga asana like all other asanas we have discussed till now exerts pressure on your belly area leading you to reduce belly fat from the area [1].

7. Boat Pose (Naukasana)

Boat Pose for Yoga to reduce belly fat
Boat Pose for Yoga to reduce belly fat

In this subsection, we bring to you yet another pose of yoga to reduce belly fat namely Naukasana.

To practice this asana, lie on the ground or on the yoga mat. Raise your hand and legs in the same direction. Hold the pose for about 10 counts before releasing it.

8. Warrior Pose I (Virabhadrasana I)

Warrior Pose I to reduce belly fat
Warrior Pose I to reduce belly fat

Another asana of yoga to reduce belly fat is Virabhadrasana I. To practice this pose, stand on the ground. Place one leg in front and bend at the knees. Now join your palms. Stretch your hands upwards and lookup. Hold the pose for a while.

Now, repeat this with the other leg. When you start feeling the stretch in your belly area, know that you are on your way to reducing belly fat through yoga.

9. Warrior Pose II (Virabhadrasana II)

Warrior Pose II to reduce belly fat
Warrior Pose II to reduce belly fat

Here is the ninth asana of yoga to reduce belly fat is quite similar to Virabhadrasana I. In this, the lower body stretch is done in the same way as in Warrior Pose 1.

In this, the hands are stretched to the front and back in the same alignment.

Once you have done this, you have to hold the pose for a while and then repeat it by switching legs.

10. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

Bow Pose Yoga to reduce belly fat
Bow Pose Yoga to reduce belly fat

Here, let us look at the next pose of yoga to reduce belly fat. To practice this pose, lie down on your stomach. Arc your hands backward and hold the feet.

Now, try pulling yourself backward. By doing this, you will feel your arms, stomach, and legs stretching.

This yoga asana tremendously helps in reducing belly and abdominal fat.

11. Bridge Pose (Setu  Bandhasana)

Bridge Pose yoga for weight loss
Bridge Pose yoga for weight loss

Now comes another asana of yoga to reduce belly fat. To practice this, lie down on the floor or on a mat. Keep your hands by your side in a way that your palm touches the ground.

Now, slowly raise your lower body upwards. Now hold the pose for a while before you let go.

In this asana, you will feel the stretch in your torso region, which aids in reduction in belly fat.

12. Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

Camel Pose yoga for weight loss
Camel Pose yoga for weight loss

This yoga pose aids in reducing that stubborn belly fat. For practicing this, stand on your knees and bend backward. Now hold your right heel with your right hand.

Now repeat the same with the other hand as well. With support from both your heels, stretch your stomach and abdomen. This is how you do this asana.

13. Legs-raised Pose (Uttanpadasana)

This yoga pose is really effective in toning up your thighs. Practicing this asana also helps cure any stomach problems you may be suffering from.

For this pose, lie on the floor. Join both your legs and raise them slowly. Now, hold this pose.

14. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Cobra Pose yoga for weight loss
Cobra Pose yoga for weight loss

This yoga asana also helps in reducing belly fat. For this pose, lie on the floor on your stomach. Place your hands beside your shoulder. Now, push yourself up and look towards the sky.

When you feel a stretch in your belly area, know that the belly fat is being worked on and is on the way towards reduction. This pose also increases the flow of blood in your body.

15. Cobbler’s Pose (Baddha konasana)

This yoga asana is known as Cobbler’s Pose as you would find most cobblers working in this position. This pose helps in opening up of hips and groins.

This pose also improves the flexibility of your body and strengthens your knees, thighs, and groin along with reducing belly fat.

To practice this pose, sit on the floor. Now join the soles of your feet. Hold your feet with your hands. Hold the pose for a while before letting it go.

These were 15 powerful yoga poses that help you reduce belly fat. If you combine superfoods to lose weight naturally along with your yoga regime, you will end up acquiring your ideal weight within no time.

Check out this easy to do video: 

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25 thoughts on “15 Yoga Poses To Try For Flat Stomach | Possible

  1. Riya C says:

    Hi Mehnaz,

    Thank you so much for sharing these. I’ve been at it trying to lose some belly fats but haven’t had much of a success and am about giving up soon.

    I did some searching and found an article about doing spot reduction workouts and was wondering what would be the difference with yoga poses for a flat stomach that you mentioned about.

    I’ve been working on many ways but not many have had any results so am wondering if you have anything to advise about through my findings and of yours too.

    Thank you so much.

    • somaraghavendra says:

      Hi Riya! We thank you for sharing valuable feedback towards 15 yoga poses for flat stomach. Yoga is very good for fat loss and health as well but along with that nutritious balanced diet will give you the added benefits in-terms to improve your muscle percentage. Keep following our blog to know more health information.

  2. Yoga for weight loss says:

    These exercises will not only help you reduce belly fat but will also improve your stamina — just don’t forget that these exercises should be done on a regular basis!

    • somaraghavendra says:

      Hi! We are glad to receive your feedback. These 15 yoga poses will help you in losing belly fat and flat stomach. Keep following our blog to know more health information.

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