Tag Archives: causes of pcos

Symptoms and signs of PCOS and why it affects women

Know better to suffer less for a healthy life

Medically Reviewed by Sindhu Vas – Post Graduate in Nutrition and Food science PCOS, a hormonal disorder, has affected numerous women in the last few decades. As per studies conducted, 1 in 10 women are diagnosed with PCOS and the numbers are rising rapidly. Some of the primary contributing factors are environmental changes and bad […]

5 Signs That You Might Have PCOS Induced Weight Gain

Signs that you might have PCOS induced weight gain

Are you drained out of energy and get exhausted easily?Have you been experiencing headaches quite often? Are you skipping your periods and not getting on time? If you encounter these instances in your daily life regularly, chances are very high that you could be suffering from PCOS. PCOS promotes weight gain as your body becomes […]

International Women’s Day: Working women and their fight against the causes of PCOS

PCOS Symptoms and Causes

While trying to keep a balance between career and home, working women have developed a trend of bad lifestyle that has been affecting them a lot. In the race of building their careers, they have been ignoring their health to a great extent. This ignorance has been found to bring various deficiencies and diseases but […]

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) – more than hormonal imbalance

What is PCOS in Women

For many ladies out there, raging hormones are not something new and hormonal imbalance coupled with quick weight gain is definitely not a good sign since this a strong indication of polycystic ovarian syndrome, or in more common terms PCOS. PCOS is one of the most common hormonal issues believed to be affecting anywhere from […]

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