Tag Archives: valentine’s day

16 Natural Beauty Tips To Keep Your Skin Glowing This Valentine’s Day!

truweight is possible now

When love is in the air, everything seems perfect…isn’t it? Love makes us glow like nothing else in the world does. You need a glowing skin to attract your valentine. Love gives you the glow, there are many other factors that tend to snatch it away. Pollution, harsh winters and exposure to chemicals are the […]

4 Tips to Fight the After-Valentine’s Chocolate Overload!!

Weight loss after the Valentine's day

The morning of 14th of February is usually good; butterflies in the stomach, planning for the day and receiving the beautiful chocolaty surprises. Come 15th of February, the next day, the butterflies are all gone and what is left is a bloated, unhealthy stomach. Not just that, a few kilos heavier on the weighing scale. […]

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