4 Tips to Fight the After-Valentine’s Chocolate Overload!!

Weight loss after the Valentine's day

The morning of 14th of February is usually good; butterflies in the stomach, planning for the day and receiving the beautiful chocolaty surprises.

Come 15th of February, the next day, the butterflies are all gone and what is left is a bloated, unhealthy stomach.

Not just that, a few kilos heavier on the weighing scale. Then starts the search for the best exercise to lose the Valentine weight.

Give some loving to your body the next day and avail this Free nutritionist consultation from Possible to not stray very far from your health goals.

But seriously, when the Valentine mania gets done, all that is left is weight loss plans and stringent diets.

Well, we tell you why not to fear this day of love but rather indulge wisely and lose that weight anyway.

Chocolates aren’t bad for you!!!

Let me rephrase, the wrong kind of chocolates are bad on your weight loss plans. So what’s the right kind?

Dark Chocolate. Dark chocolate also helps in weight loss!!!

Research finds that dark chocolate consumption kills the nagging desire to eat something sweet, makes you feel full faster, and results in lower total energy intake in comparison to milk chocolate.

Valentine's chocolate overload?
Valentine’s chocolate overload?

So why not opt for dark chocolate weight loss over the fancy chocolates that are just agents for weight gain!

“Did you know, white chocolate is not really chocolate. Yes, the term chocolate refers to the presence of cacao solids that gives the sweet treat the dark colour.

But white chocolate is merely cocoa butter, milk solids, loads of sugar, artificial additives and preservatives, and sometimes palm oil too. In all a bad choice.

Elaborating on chocolate further, if you (or your Valentine) could lay your hands on the raw variety of chocolate, then you are sorted.

Raw cacao, the main ingredient in dark chocolate, responsible for weight loss, is rich in antioxidants, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, manganese, B vitamins, essential fatty acids. Studies find cacao to lower high blood pressure too.

Dark chocolate even features on many healthy foods to lose weight list. Here are many more health benefits of dark chocolate, weight loss apart.

But you already indulged on Valentine’s Day! How to undo the damage?

On a weight loss plan? Then 14th of February can be your cheat day of the week.

Indulged on Valentine's?
Indulged on Valentine’s?

However, have you overindulged than normal? Here are few simple tips to get you back to your health goal, one step at a time.

4 Recommended Tips on How to Lose Weight Fast & Easy 

Here are some common weight loss tips that can actually work wonder if followed properly.

While taking off that valentine’s pounds can take a little time, these tips will be useful throughout your life.

1. Stock up on vegetable intake

Time to replenish what has been missing in the party diet, a generous serving of colourful veggies.

Nothing wakes you up better than a tall glass of green smoothie.

It also helps you to beat the sugar rush experienced a day before.

Also, a big bowl of salad will do a world of good.

Believe us, this is one of the well kept quick weight loss tip there is.

Stock up on vegetable intake
Stock up on vegetable intake

Additionally, going green with green leafy veggies will make you feel fresh and give you a radiant post-party complexion too. Not a salad person, here are 11 cheat codes to include salad in your weight loss diet.

2. Drink a lot, a lot of water

Loaded yourself with alcohol? Then time to befriend water.

According to a study drinking plain water can control weight and reduce the intake of sugar, salt and saturated fat.

Water will help fighting off that alcohol
Water will help fighting off that alcohol

Something which would have been abundant the day before. So drink a glass up now, even as you read this. Here are 5 more reasons why water is really a good aid for weight loss.

3. Eat good quality proteins

Still having the desire to eat something sweet?

Good quality proteins like lean fish, chicken, egg, quinoa help in the effective release of insulin which will in turn control those cravings.

Keep good proteins around
Keep good proteins around

Quick weight loss can be achieved by eating generous amounts of protein.

4. Don’t stop exercising

Be committed to exercising even on days when you don’t feel like it. It could be simple, practise yoga, go for a jog, or just run up and down the stairs to make you feel lighter, instantly.

Follow simple regular exercises
Follow simple regular exercises

We recommend jogging and brisk walking as one of the best exercises to lose weight.

Still craving to eat something sweet despite practising restraint? Here are some delectable recipes that will help you ward them off while assisting you in weight loss.

We give you a month-long Indian Weight Loss Diet Chart to lose weight after all Valentine’s day indulgence.  If you are still struggling with meeting your health goals, then you can pour your heart out to our nutritionist with a free first consultation!!

Get FREE Health Consultation Today!

4 thoughts on “4 Tips to Fight the After-Valentine’s Chocolate Overload!!

  1. Sneha says:

    Now this one will be useful. Although I didn’t put up Valentine’s weight specifically, i did eat a lot of chocolates since new year. I think this can help. Thanks.

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