Tag Archives: maintain a healthy weight

7 Ways Men Above 45 Can Build Their Muscle And Maintain A Healthy Weight

7 Ways for muscle build-up above 45

While it is true that at the age of 40, you are much wiser, it also is a fact that at the age of 40, your joints hurt more. Yes, it is true that if you are over 40, you probably have more “stuff” going on in your life than you did at 21, making […]

14 Power Foods For Men To Help Maintain A Healthy Weight

power foods for men

Medical Reviewed by Shanmukha Priya, M.Phil and Ph.D. in Food Science and NutritionMen have special dietary needs to meet their requirement for higher calories.  The diet for men should help them maintain their muscle mass and higher energy requirements. Power foods for men should be a blend of proteins, lean meats, carbs and fibre to […]

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