Tag Archives: overweight problems

How To Not Traverse The Deadly Journey Between Overweight And Obesity! Find Out Here!

Are you worried about your weight? Skinny celebrities, weight loss miracle drug companies and even reality TV shows about weight loss make it impossible not to think or be concerned about your weight. This persistent worry or concern is becoming more and more common among adults across the globe. As concerned to weight, these worries arise […]

What Is Difference Between Being Obese And Being Overweight?

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BMI has always been an overarching factor in the overweight vs. obese debate. BMI is an individual’s weight (kg) divided by his/her height squared (meters). A higher BMI indicates higher levels of body fat. So, what does being overweight and obese mean, how are they related to BMI, and how do they indicate body fitness […]

4 Things That Happen To Your Wellbeing When You Are Overweight

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Being overweight is not just harmful to your overall health. Research shows that obesity also has a negative impact on body image and self-esteem. Obesity can lead to heart and blood sugar issues along with aches and pain. Excess weight can make you feel uncomfortable in social presence, especially if you hear people gossiping about […]

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