Are you trying to lose weight but no matter how much you maintain your diet and exercise it still doesn’t work? Your genes might be the ones to blame.
In any case, sorry not! this article is for you.
So How Are Genetics and Weight Loss Interrelated?
While there are hundreds of genes that affect a person’s weight, many of these are acquired through our respective families.
Dr. Howard Eisenson, the executive director of the Duke Diet & Fitness Centre points out that 50% to 70% of our weight variability is accounted for by our genes, according to a research conducted in 2017 at the Duke Diet & Fitness Centre. This simply means that even if obesity runs in your family it isn’t necessary that you would fall in line.[1]
Dr. Eisenson says that just because someone has a lot of obesity in her family doesn’t mean she will inevitably develop it.
Some good news! finally.
Is It Difficult For Someone With A Genetic Predisposition To Lose Weight?
If you have a genetic predisposition towards weight gain, you might find yourself struggling to control your appetite. This is because some genetic mutations involve resistance to the hunger suppression hormone called ‘Leptin’.
You might also find it difficult to lose weight as compared to someone who doesn’t have your genetic structure.
If I’m more susceptible to gaining weight, does that mean it’s because of my genes?
A. It may be possible that your genes are the ones to blame there but it cannot be ascertained unequivocally.
Which Genes Affect Weight Loss The Most, And How To Tackle Them!
Now getting down to brass tacks, How to defeat these genetics and weight loss?
Well to win the battle, you have to first know your opponent. The rest is easy. The genetic research conducted in North Carolina by Dr. Eisenson suggests that there are 75 gene altercations that affect a person’s weight.
These genes are the ones that decide how much and where food is stored in the body, how the food breaks down and when to send signals to let you know that you’re no longer hungry. The variations to these genes are known as polymorphisms.
These are the genes that decide how much weight a person gains from a meal and how much time do they take to shed them. Now the good part. These genes can be tackled with a few changes in lifestyle and diet. Yes, you heard that right.[3]
Now let’s discuss the 4 main genes and how to beat them.
1. The ‘Fatso’ Gene – FTO
The FTO gene (a.k.a the Fatso gene) is the gene that controls your food intake and your hunger. A variation in the FTO gene is responsible for a higher BMI.
Research shows that when compared to the people who do not possess this gene, people who do have this gene are 1.7 times more prone to weight gain and also weigh 6.61 pounds more on an average.
How to Tackle The FTO Gene: According to a recent study, an exercise routine of 30 minutes, five days a week could keep the FTO gene in check. The more vigorous the routine, the better, So get your running shoes out!
2. The Fat Metabolism Gene – PPARG
PPARG is essentially a fat metabolism protein. This gene when activated helps in forming fat cells and acquires dietary fats from the blood. Although excessive activation of the PPARG can lead to diabetes, weight gain, stroke, and even heart risks. Scary Stuff!
How To Tackle The PPARG Gene: According to Dr.Sara Gottfried, a Harvard MD researcher, to tackle the PPARG gene, you must increase your intake of dairy products such as butter, cream, and cheese. These products contain more saturated fats which are responsible for keeping the PPARG gene in check. Delicious!
3. The Fat Breakdown Gene – ADRB2
The ADRB2 is responsible for the process of fat breakdown in the body. The variations of this gene are often affiliated to an increased risk of metabolic syndrome, especially in women, a combination of factors that cause diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
How To Tackle The ADRB2 Gene: The simplest way to avoid an excess of ADRB2 is to eat healthy, exercise and drink plenty of water. Yes, It’s that simple.
4. The Stress Susceptibility Gene – FKBP5
Some genes like the FKBP5 make you more prone to stress and make you gain weight in no time. This gene can also affect your ageing process and make you look older than you actually are. Aw Shucks!
How To Tackle The FKBP5 gene: To avoid unnecessary stress and an excess of FKBP5 in your body, remember to eat a lot of vegetables and delicious juices along with your daily meals. Salads and early morning exercise can also go a long way for stress busters.
Genes Vs. Diet
Recent studies conducted on people with a genetic predisposition towards obesity and those without having found that both respond to a healthy, less-fat diet in similar ways.
The problem of excessive weight gain these days, Says Floyd Chilton, Ph.D is a result of the mismatch between your genes and today’s dietary practices.[2]
To clear this mismatch, he adds, you’ll need to eat more omega-3 fatty acids, more fiber, reduce calories, eat more vegetables, fruits and drink more tea to increase polyphenols (a type of antioxidant) and of course, exercise more.
See, You can do it.
Habits to Adopt to Lose Genetic Weight
1. Stay away from a stressful environment
To beat genetics and weight loss, you MUST avoid stress at all costs.

Try Yoga or learn to meditate. Even little things like putting your headphones on and listening to some soothing music could help.
2. A Sauna sounds really nice right about now
Sauna’s and Hot tubs have a wonderful ability to rid you of toxins through sweat. Sauna bathing also relieves stress, makes you feel fresh and makes you look good. Two birds with one stone.
3. Eat more nutritious and detoxifying food
A healthy diet always includes cruciferous vegetables, broccoli sprouts, fruits, Brazil nuts, or walnuts, etc.
4. Drink more tea and less alcohol
Green tea with a spoonful of honey is always a healthier and safer alternative to alcohol. Don’t you think?
So by now you know there’s no need to be disappointed even if you possess an unfortunate genetic structure.
You WILL beat those genetics and weight loss, after all, it’s in your genes.
However, if you follow the above methods and alter your diet and exercise routine accordingly, you can be sure that you’ll shed those extra pounds.
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Next Read
- Solid Tips For Healthy And Sustainable Weight Loss
- 15 Best Weight Loss Friendly Foods For A Healthy Diet
Hello, Love your article! You are a true inspiration for us all!
Hi Niklas! Thanks for taking the time to share your prestige opinion on our blog. Keep following our blog to know such more health information.
Thank you for this well written article.
Hi Daniela! We’re happy to receive your compliments and appreciation towards our article. Keep following our blog to know such more health information.
good information, it is good to be at your ideal weight.
Hi Yudd! We’re happy to receive your compliments and appreciation towards our article. Keep following our blog to know such more health information.
Wow I had no idea genes plays such a big part in weight loss but it’s still good to know we can do something about it.
Thanks, Ellie.
Hi Ellie! Hi We really appreciate your step on our article. Keep following our blog to know such more health information.
I really enjoyed Reading your website you are inspiration to us all.
Hi! We’re happy to receive your compliments and appreciation towards our article. Keep following our blog to know such more health information.
great tips.
Hi Jonathan! We thank you for sharing your feedback towards our article. Keep following our blog to know more health information.