Tag Archives: muesli

How Healthy Is Your Breakfast Cereals? | Possible

how healthy is your Breakfast Cereals

Indians living in metros and pacing with the rat race, by and large, rely on cold cereals for breakfast. Our busy mornings keep us away from homemade food. So, what did you have for breakfast, today? Cornflakes! Many of us eat breakfast cereals made from processed grains like cornflakes, muesli etc. After all, healthy breakfast is […]

5 Reasons Why You Should Have Nuts and Muesli Porridge For Breakfast

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Medical Reviewed by Ashwathy V. Pillai, Postgraduate Degree in Dietetics & Applied NutritionBoring porridge for breakfast? A big NO right? Wrong. If you eat the right kind then it’s healthy and tasty. We are talking about nuts and muesli porridge – with the right dose of fiber, carbs, energy and a mouthful of taste. We […]

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