Tag Archives: omega 3

If You Don’t Consume Fish Regularly, Why Should You be Taking an OMEGA 3 Supplement?

why should you take omega 3 supplements

Omega 3 is a type of essential fat. Although our bodies cannot manufacture them, they are essential for our survival. It has to come from dietary sources. Experts call it “The Ultimate Wellness Molecule” for the immense benefits it possesses. What are the Different Types of Omega 3? There are 3 types of Omega 3: […]

Healthy Fish Curry Recipes- Indian Style

Fish- A healthy option

Imagining a bowl of steaming hot fish curry can make anyone drooling. Seafood or specifically fish is one of the important components of many of our regional, signature dishes. Being a rich source of high-quality protein and omega-3 fats, its consumption ensures health with taste and variety. Table of Contents About Seafood Health Benefits Ilish […]

Healthy Omega 3 Salad Recipe

truweight is possible now

  Omega 3 Salad The link between omega-3 and protection against heart disease has been well documented by various researchers. However, omega-3 fatty acids, which consist of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, have shown to be beneficial in reducing the risk of depression, inflammation related to asthma, attention deficit disorders among many. 1/2 bunch Spinach […]

10 Misleading Healthy Food Labels To Beware Of!

Misleading Healthy Food Labels

Health watchers recommend reading the food labels before buying any product. But, food companies can be a cunning lot with, misleading food labels. We give you a quick download of the terms on so-called healthy food labels but which could actually mean the opposite. The best way to keep away unwanted weight and its complications […]

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