A man is known to bring out the best solution when the concern is about himself; guess the superfood also was part of that invention. As underrated as they are, these superfoods are becoming most essential among individuals who are watching their weights and also aiming at healthy eating.
Superfoods are rich in vitamins, minerals, protein and good fats. It has several health benefits and also brings an efficient body weight management into place.
If you start understanding the importance of healthy eating, you automatically get hold of these nutrient dense superfoods.
With all the hectic work schedules and mental stress, it is common to miss out on healthy food consumption. To save you all from nutrient deficiency, superfoods are made out of plant based healthy ingredients and sometimes even fish and dairy.
You should definitely be clear about the fact that you do not require exotic weight loss foods, expensive pills, gadgets or medical procedures but natural food for weight loss.
Unfortunately, we tend to ignore these important foods and search for the ever-elusive diet food and then end up being obese.
What Is a Superfood?
Superfoods are foods that are either plant based or sometimes even include fish and dairy. They are nutritionally dense and are hence good for health.
Superfoods are more powerful in terms of nutrient power. They are a combination of super ingredients from all over the world that gives you a wide range of health benefits and can also prevent your body from diseases.
Regular consumption of superfoods has associations with improving immunity, lower the risk of many lifestyle-related health conditions and overall mortality
At truweight, we have 55+ superfoods that are the storehouse of micronutrients, protein, fibre and phytonutrients. They are rich with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that are known to build a strong immune system. They also have good fats that are known to prevent heart diseases and other chronic illnesses.
Possible superfoods help with detoxification of the body and eliminate the accumulation of free radicals. This alone can be one of the biggest contributions towards building stronger immunity.
Must Read: Guidelines To Improve Your Immunity If You Have Obesity
Does Superfood Help Lose Weight?
It is too common to hear this question. Well! We are here to answer you that. Firstly, why do you need superfoods? When superfoods like in truweight promises you with a large amount of nutrients, proteins and fibre; the good fat and the carbohydrates; Why would anyone miss out on savouring them?
As per the Oxford English dictionary, superfood is described as “a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being”.[1]
Since it is nutritionally superior, that is they provide an adequate amount of the nutrients that is very much beneficial for the overall health of a person. It is also essential to consume these superfoods for weight loss, due to its richness in fiber, protein and other beneficial contents.
Today, it is common to miss out on foods that are essential for our bodies. For example, consider fiber. Fiber rich foods are most essential and come with several health benefits. But who here is seriously adding fiber rich foods into your diets? Hardly anyone to count.
These superfoods thus include all the essential nutrients and minerals and vitamins in it. They save you from nutrient deficiency. Not just its health benefits, it is also delicious and with many options to choose from.
Must Read: Common Nutrient Deficiency That Causes Malnutrition!
With these benefits, superfoods majorly help in weight loss. Their intake helps you control your diet and hunger pangs and fulfils all the nutrient requirements of your body. They help not just in weight loss but also in boosting overall health and immunity.
13 Best Super foods for Weight Loss:
We provide a list of 13 such awesome weight loss foods that are a must-include if you are looking for the answer of ‘how to lose weight’.
1. Wheat Grass Juice for Weight Loss
This is the grass of tender wheat plants and is one of the most important superfoods for weight loss. It is taken as a vegetable and can be easily eaten by those with wheat allergies.
Wheatgrass is over 20 times denser in nutrients than any other vegetable. By drinking wheatgrass juice, you can grab all of its nutrients in a highly concentrated form.
Wheatgrass is a complete food with 98 of the 102 earth elements! This juice is a strong health food supplement which contains very highly concentrated vitamins, enzymes, chlorophyll, and minerals.
Some of the health benefits of wheatgrass juice are as follows:
- Wheatgrass juice is a complete detoxifier
- It acts as a good blood purifier
- Wheatgrass juice protects one from cardiovascular diseases
- Also known to slow down the process of aging
- It improves your digestion
Wheat grass is 20 times denser than any other vegetable
Next Read: Can Reduce Fat With Wheat Grass!
2. Spirulina for Weight Loss
Spirulina is a superfood, microalgae and is an efficient weight loss food. Its benefit are immense such as, it has a high nutritional value and contains an enormous amount of proteins (50-70%), essential amino fatty acids, antioxidants, enzymes, and all vitamins and minerals.
[sc name=”Amp-bmi-widget” ampUrl=”https://possible.in/how-to-lose-weight-safely-9-superfoods.html”]An excellent source of beta-carotene (30 times more than carrots). It also contains a large quantity of chlorophyll which has a purifying and protecting role in the body.
All the elements present in spirulina will ensure healthy functioning of the immune system and nervous system. It is also known to increase stamina and immunity levels and helps to build lean muscle mass.
Spirulina is a low fat, low calorie, cholesterol-free source of protein containing all the essential amino acids.
How to lose weight with Spirulina? Add this powder to dals, vegetables for an instant nutrient boost.
Some of the spirulina benefits are as follows:
- Helps in lowering Cholesterol
- Makes you more Active
- Boosts Immunity levels
- Quickens the process of Weight loss
- Master Detoxifier
Next Read: Spirulina -The Original Superfood
3. Black Beans
Black beans are known to create magic in your healthy living. It is an incredibly good source of protein and fills your tummy well with fiber too. It helps in increasing your level of satiety and also improves the regulatory system.
They are always preferred as a diet food as they are packed with fiber which helps in improving your digestive health and hence, in turn the question of weight loss also gets answered.
Are beans good for you to lose weight?
Legumes are rich in protein and fiber. However, beans are nutritious and are considered as a proper diet for weight loss.
4. Barley grass
Barley grass is a true superfood for weight loss with 4 times the calcium of milk, 22 times the iron in spinach and large quantities of protein.
It is loaded with every essential amino acid, over 12 minerals, and 13 different vitamins (including Vitamin K). Plus, 23% of barley grass is digestible protein.
It has antioxidant properties and has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels. Barley grass helps in weight loss, provides longevity and improves sleep and immunity.
How to lose weight with barley grass? Add this superfood powder as a part of a healthy diet.
Here, are the benefits of barley:
- High Source of Fiber
- Can Help Improve Digestion
- Helps with Weight Loss
- Prevents Heart Disease
- Helps Control Blood Sugar Levels
- Helps Lower High Cholesterol
- Provides Antioxidants
- High in Vitamins and Minerals
5. Alfalfa Grass – Father of all herbs
Alfalfa is a nutrient-rich food for weight loss that is high in chlorophyll, vitamins, and micronutrients.
Eating alfalfa grass or alfalfa sprouts offers the advantage of more protein than in most plants.
Alfalfa is rich in vitamin A, B1, B6, C, E, and K as well as calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, etc., and helps to boost our immunity. It also has cholesterol and blood sugar lowering effects.
It helps in detoxification and is also helpful to treat kidney conditions, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, cancer, etc.
How to lose weight with alfalfa sprouts? Use the sprouts in a salad or in soups.
These alfalfa grasses can be incorporated in juices and also in drinks.
Alfalfa sprouts are tender and nutritious used in salads, soups, and sandwiches. Alfalfa sprouts are healthy and should be included in your weight loss diet.
6. Moringa leaves – 7 times the vitamin C of oranges
Moringa leaves (Drumstick leaves) is an important food source in some parts of the world.
The most nutritious part of the tree is the leaf which has the highest amount of protein and is extremely rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, riboflavin, calcium, iron, and magnesium.
Moringa leaves have four times the vitamin A in carrots, seven times the vitamin C in oranges, and four times the calcium in milk.
It is helpful for people suffering from arthritis, cancer, constipation, diabetes, diarrhea, epilepsy, stomach pain (gastritis), heart problems, high blood pressure, kidney stones, etc.
How to lose weight with moringa leaves? Add them in sabjis and dals or in combination with other green leafy veggies. South Indians make dosa out of these leaves too.
7. High Fibre foods- Magic Weight Loss Weapon
Wondering how to lose weight? The simplest answer would be to start eating fiber-rich foods. Dietary fiber is a magic weight loss weapon.
Eating fiber-rich foods makes you feel full, so you can resist overeating. It is not easy to reach your daily recommended quantity of fiber through a regular diet if you are consuming only half the desired quantity. Without consuming enough fiber, it is not easy to lose weight.
There are some food products which are extremely high in fiber content and hence constitute to be one of the major superfoods for weight loss. If you include them in your diet, you could easily reach your desired level of fiber consumption. These food items are acacia gum, psyllium husk, and basil seeds.
These are super foods which will not only give you required fiber but also release hormones that help in regulating fats. Acacia Gum and guar gum helps delay the absorption of glucose from a meal and stabilize blood sugar levels.
It also triggers a powerful anti-hunger hormone called Cholecystokinin (CCK) that tells your body to stop eating once you are full. These high-fiber diet foods are ideal for weight loss.
It acts as a kitchen sponge in the digestive tract, soaking up harmful toxins and waste and “sweeping” them away in daily bowel movements. It helps raise good cholesterol (HDL) levels in the body and lower bad cholesterol (LDL) levels. If you are not getting enough fiber in your diet, try adding some fiber supplements in powder form.
Also Read: 11 Fiber Rich Foods You Should Include In Your Diet
8. Seeds- Tiny but Mighty
We usually eat watermelon, muskmelon and throw away the seeds. You will be surprised to know that seeds have immense benefits and they are full of nutrients. It might not be practical to always eat them along with the fruit, as they are hard.
A better way to eat them is to grind them and mix it with some food/drink item. They are low in carbohydrates and it is a combination of healthy fat and high fiber content and this makes it a great food for weight loss and maintenance.
Possible makes its own Seeds Cocktail using flax seeds, sesame seeds, and watermelon and muskmelon seeds. It is one of the superfoods for weight loss especially.
Although Seed Cocktail contains all sorts of healthy components, they are particularly a good source of Omega 3, phytochemicals, fiber and zinc. Here are some of its beneficial facts:
- Seed Cocktail is high in phytochemicals, including many antioxidants. It is perhaps our best source of lignans, which help in balancing female hormones. There is evidence that lignans may promote fertility, reduce perimenopausal symptoms, and possibly help prevent breast cancer and help prevent Type 2 diabetes.
- They are extremely high in fiber: both soluble and insoluble. The fiber in your diet helps stabilize blood sugar, and, of course, promotes the proper functioning of the intestines.
- They are rich in minerals like zinc, a nutrient which will help you prevent hair fall and in building a stronger immune system. It is also an essential nutrient for patients suffering from PCOS.
9. Green Tea and Herbs- Great Detoxifier & Metabolism Booster
Green tea, quite popular in China from ancient times, is highly effective for weight loss. Most of its health benefits arise from the fact that it undergoes minimal oxidation while it is made and that makes it rich in antioxidants.
It has 10 times the number of antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables. This property alone makes it a perfect choice for weight watchers.
Benefits of Green Tea
- Weight loss: It helps to lose weight by increasing metabolism by 4%.
- Diabetes: Green tea prevents high insulin levels and also regulates blood sugar levels.
- Heart Diseases: It helps to stay relaxed by maintaining the blood pressure and also prevents clot formation which is the main cause of heart attacks/stroke.
- Cancer: It kills cancer cells without damaging healthy cells and reduces the risk of cancer.
- Cholesterol: It aids in improving the ratio of good to bad cholesterol, thereby, reducing bad cholesterol in the blood.
- Skin Care: Green tea protects the skin and prevents it from various signs of aging.
10. What is better than Green Tea? Green tea with Great Herbs!!
Possible’s Teatox is a combination of powerful herbs with a number of health benefits such as weight loss and strong detoxifying properties.
The following are some of the herbs/foods and their benefits:

- Nagarmotha (Musta)
Musta is a powerful detoxifying and weight loss herb which removes endotoxins (toxins released in the body). It is also used as an energy tonic and is useful in treating gastrointestinal problems. It has the ability to reduce inflammation and cholesterol in the body and aids in weight loss.
- Embelia Ribes (Baibidang extract/false pepper)
Baibidang is a powerful plant whose bark is helpful in rejuvenation. It also helps in treating various gastrointestinal problems, helps to restore blood sugar levels and is a powerful antioxidant, which helps to fight aging.
- Sonthi/Ginger
It is an herb whose rhizome is used as a spice and as a powerful digestive aid. It enhances fat absorption, delays gastric emptying and gives satiety. Also increases the metabolism and aids in weight loss and acts as a detoxifying agent.
- Senna
Senna is an herb. The leaves and fruit of this plant have various health benefits. It acts as an antioxidant. It aids in weight loss and helps in detoxifying the body. Not just that but also helps to reduce inflammation and is useful in treating constipation thereby preventing irritable bowel syndrome, fissures, etc.
11. Acai Berry and its Benefits
You must have heard about this Central and South American native fruit in relation to weight loss or as a super diet food. Acai berry is an inch long, reddish-purplish fruit from the acai palm tree.
Some studies have shown that the pulp of acai berry is largely concentrated in antioxidants than other berry counterparts namely cranberry, raspberry or even strawberry, and blueberry.
Just like red wine, the antioxidants in acai berry helps keep heart diseases away. Apart from this, studies find beneficial effects of acai berry on the skin and also immune-boosting properties. It has also shown to reduce digestive problems and irritation.[4]
Whether acai berry is an ideal food for weight loss or not, needs to be proven in a more definite way possible, but some formulations use this antioxidant-rich berries in their products.
12. Garcinia Cambogia Fruit for Weight Loss
Another diet food which is spoken more in the weight loss circles is garcinia cambogia.
A product of a medium-sized tree found in the Southeast Asia region, garcinia has grabbed its fame due to a unique chemical found in its rind or outer cover.
The chemical is hydroxy citric acid (HCA) and growing research finds that this chemical can prevent fat storage, control appetite, and increase the endurance of exercise.[3]
Not just this, HCA from garcinia has shown to be beneficial for relieving joint pain, bloody diarrhea treats parasite and worm infestation, and also helps increase bowel movement.
Must read: Garcinia Cambogia For Weight Loss: Does It Work??
13. Honey, Ginger, Garlic, Lemon, Apple Cider Vinegar
Honey for weight loss! You would have surely heard “Have honey and lemon with warm water in the morning to reduce weight”. Honey and lemon in the morning will help in increasing your metabolism and hence helps in weight loss.
Honey fuels the liver and promotes the release of fat-burning recovery hormones while you sleep. But then there are few more foods which are equally good or even better in increasing your metabolism. Like apple cider vinegar, ginger, garlic.
Research shows that apple cider vinegar has positive results in improving your insulin sensitivity and hence helps in weight loss. Vinegar also promotes weight loss by preventing fat accumulation through its impact on insulin secretion and by maintaining a stable glucose level.[2]
Ginger increases the PH value of stomach acids, thus reducing the rates of gastric secretions and accelerating the activity of the enzymes necessary for digestion. Research done at the Maastricht University; Netherland, has found that ginger has metabolism accelerating properties.
It boosts metabolism by approximately 20%. This is the reason why ginger has made it to the list of ‘top 10 weight loss foods’ and also it one of the best known superfoods for weight loss.
Garlic stimulates the nervous system to release adrenaline hormone, thereby increasing metabolism.Watch the video to know the weight loss foods that will help you in losing weight!
With time and date, healthy eating is catching up its importance. To ensure one’s health and happiness a lot of firms have come up with nutrient dense foods such as superfoods.
It is also common to question about these foods, while you can actually obtain all the benefits by consuming natural food supplies. But these superfoods are manufactured keeping one’s health requirements in consideration. These superfoods also benefit well for your weight loss.
Let us not leave a minute of things when it comes to health, because at the end, health is what lets you live happy and content.
This information is very useful…… thanks for sharing….
I always want to reduce my weight. For this I do exercise, joined gym but it doesn’t effect. Now I’m trying these superfoods . Thanks to share the list for weight loss…:)
From where can i get your Superfoods.want to try your things
Hi Uttra,
We are glad that you have decided to try our superfoods. You can reach us at 7349246528 and one of our team members will definitely help you with your query.
Thanks for sharing.it’s really helpful.a year ago I was also looking how to lose weight and I know how it feels .and if you really want to lose weight you must fellow up the above tips. As well as make sure you do your exercise on daily basis if you can.then you can achieve goals for sure.don’t give up.never. it work for me. So it will work on you as well.
Thank you for your feedback. Keep following our blog for more such articles.
The old rules of dieting have been telling us to eat less, so you end up feeling deprived and starving with tiny portions.
Forget about that.
Hi Kenneth, thank you for your valuable feedback.
I appreciated your blog. I like your blog and it’s very useful blog.
Thank You for sharing us
Hi Jeffery,
Thank you more for your feedback. Do keep following us. 🙂