8 Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea & Its Side Effects

Benefits of Hibiscus Tea

Remember the big, bright red, five-petaled flower in your grandma’s backyard? That exotic flower is called hibiscus and usually grows in tropical countries like India.  But did you know that it can also have several health benefits for you? 

There are several different species of hibiscus, but the Hibiscus sabdariffa is one that can be brewed into a refreshing and nutritious hibiscus tea

A research report published in the Journal of Nutritional Health and Food Engineering stated several health benefits of hibiscus tea including enhanced healing power, better digestion, and soothing effects during hot weather.

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What are the Benefits of Hibiscus Tea?

Hibiscus tea has a plethora of benefits with negligible side effects. Let’s look at the 8 best health benefits of hibiscus tea:

Improves digestion

Hibiscus tea is known to improve your digestion. Its diuretic properties help in the treatment of constipation. If consumed regularly, hibiscus tea can regularize your urination, and bowel movements, and enhances your gastrointestinal health.

Promotes weight loss

Hibiscus tea contains anthocyanins and flavonoids that help to boost fat burning. It also contains an enzyme inhibitor which helps in lowering the absorption of sugar and carbohydrates from food which in turn helps in weight loss. Hence, hibiscus tea can be consumed on a regular basis as a weight-loss drink.

Boosts immunity

Packed with antioxidants, vitamin C, anti-bacterial properties and anti-inflammatory, hibiscus tea is effective in fighting free radicals in your body and boosts your immune system, prevents premature cell damage, and reduces ageing. These elements present in hibiscus tea also give you glowing, younger-looking skin and reduce skin problems like acne and eczema.


Hypertension or high blood pressure is rampantly found among the Indian population. Research reports have shown that regular consumption of hibiscus tea can bring down systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Hibiscus tea can be used as a natural remedy to treat mildly high blood pressure.

Manages cholesterol

Cholesterol is another disease that has millions of people under its grip. Hibiscus tea has shown results in lowering bad cholesterol and triglycerides levels and improving good cholesterol in your body. If consumed regularly, it may help in managing your cholesterol and prevent many cardiovascular diseases caused by it.

Calms the mind

A research report published in the Indian Journal of Pharmacology shows that hibiscus contains flavonoids, anthocyanins, and anthocyanidins which have the potential to act as antidepressants. Therefore consuming hibiscus tea can reduce anxiety, improve mood, have a calming effect on your nervous system and may help to relax your mind.

Prevents kidney stones

Hibiscus flower’s diuretic properties keep urination in check which helps in maintaining the overall health of your kidneys. It also prevents renal calcium oxalate deposition and reduces the possibility of developing kidney stones.

Improves liver health

The antioxidant properties of hibiscus tea may be beneficial in preventing liver diseases like liver steatosis, a condition where there is an accumulation of excess fat in the liver. Hibiscus tea detoxifies your body and improves the overall health of your liver.

Bonus benefit: Hibiscus tea is also beneficial for symptoms of PCOD or other menstrual discomforts. A cup of hibiscus tea can help soothe menstrual cramps, calms the mind, and helps alleviate issues like mood swings and depression.

Side Effects of Hibiscus Tea

With its many health benefits, hibiscus tea is safe to consume and has minimal side effects. Some people with underlying health conditions should exercise caution while consuming hibiscus tea like:

  1. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not consume hibiscus tea as it may have emmenagogic effects.
  2. Hypotensive or low blood pressure patients should avoid consuming hibiscus tea as it has may lower the blood pressure even more.
  3. People allergic to hibiscus should not consume it as it may cause allergic reactions including itchiness, red eyes, fever, etc.
  4. According to credible sources, people taking chloroquine, a medication for malaria should not consume hibiscus tea as it interferes with the effects of the medicine.

Keeping all its benefits in mind, Possible has created a simple, easy-to-make hibiscus tea that is free of artificial sweetener and sweetened with stevia. This makes it a soothing, diabetic-friendly health drink. Check out Possible’s hibiscus tea here.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s go through some of the frequently asked questions on hibiscus tea from below.

Q. Can I drink hibiscus tea everyday?
A. Yes, to avail the benefits of hibiscus tea, one should drink hibiscus tea on a daily basis. But it is recommended to not overdo it & limit your consumption to 2-3 cups a day.

Q. What is hibiscus tea good for?
A. Hibiscus tea has several health benefits including improved digestion, better kidney and liver health, promotes weight loss, reduces cancer risks and many more. It also regulates the oestrogen and progesterone balance in the body, thus helping women have a healthy and timely menstruation cycle.

Q. What are the side effects of drinking hibiscus tea?
A. Drinking hibiscus tea has negligible side effects. But if you have low blood pressure or other underlying issues, it is better to avoid the consumption of hibiscus tea. Also, people on chloroquine should avoid drinking hibiscus tea as it reduces the effectiveness of the medicine. Check out the side effects of hibiscus tea listed above to know more.

Q. Does hibiscus tea detox your body?
A. Yes, hibiscus tea has detoxifying elements that help to keep your liver and gut health clean and healthy.

Q. Can I drink hibiscus tea at night?
A. Yes. Hibiscus tea contains melatonin which may improve your sleep cycle.

Q. Does hibiscus tea reduce belly fat?
A. Hibiscus tea is effective in weight loss. Hence, drinking it daily may help you reduce belly fat.

Q. How much hibiscus tea a day is safe?
A. Although hibiscus tea does not have noticeable adverse effects on increased consumption, it is still recommended to limit your intake to 2-3 cups per day.

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