Tag Archives: protein snacks

3 Super Tasty And Super Healthy Snacks Made With Superfood Sprouts

truweight is possible now

Medically reviewed by Shanmukha Priya, M.Phil and Ph.D. in Food Science and Nutrition Though exercise definitely is an important part of weight loss, it HAS to be supplemented with super foods that are low in calories yet super healthy so they keep your body well provided for in terms of nutrition. One such super foods are sprouts […]

10 Ways To Battle Post Lunch Slump

beat mid day tiredness

Do you dread the inactivity spell that hits you after lunch? Want to work on a deadline but midday is your weakest energy link? Do you naturally gravitate towards the bed or feel like snoozing after lunch? Read on to know how to beat this energy slump. The Science behind the slump Sleep Science shows […]

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