Author Archives: Trusha Abhyankar

10 Best and Worst Foods for Weight Loss – Pledge Health Today!

The foods you eat can determine your body weight in a big way. Some foods help in the weight loss process whereas some food leads to weight gain and obesity. Therefore it is important to consciously choose foods that help weight loss. 10 best foods that aid weight loss. When eaten regularly, these foods will […]

Here Is How Skinny Guys Can Put On To Healthy Muscle Mass


Healthy Muscle – Men who are skinny often yearn to put on more muscle mass. It is difficult for skinny guys to put on muscle as they are genetically skinny. This causes them to remain thinner than usual and often have low self-esteem due to their figure. To put on muscles, it is important to […]

7 healthy eating habits that health-conscious people follow!


We all have that one friend who eats a lot and doesn’t gain weight. On the other hand, there are a few of us who keep gaining weight even after eating moderately. Well, many factors contribute to a slim physique – a healthy metabolism, physical exercises, regular body detoxifications, frequent intermittent fasting, etc. But to […]

The Serious Effects Of Yo-yo Dieting; Why Should You Avoid This ?

effects-of-yoyo diet

It is good to diet and keep healthy. There are a lot of us who try our best to stay fit and keep healthy. We try every method and way to lose weight and tone up our body. For that matter we also try different types of diets and new mentions that we find on […]

Why Do You Get Sudden Food Cravings, & How Should You Manage That?


Food cravings – How many of you have done this before, midnight sneaks for food, or gorging on to chips and snacks midnight or just sat there ordering food online and waiting like never before. We all know the importance of food in our lives. There are some of us who are big foodies and […]

Here’s How Ayurveda and Naturopathy Help In Obesity Management

truweight is possible now

Medically reviewed by Spandana Nagulapally, Masters in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics Obesity management is key to a healthy life. Both naturopathy and Ayurveda offer excellent solutions to fight excess body fat. They offer a safe and effective treatment through which you can control your weight. Natural ingredients and ayurvedic formulations help you burn fat and get ideal […]

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