Tag Archives: sustainable weight loss

What are the Best Ways to Lose Weight? Ultimate Guide to Sustainable Weight Loss

a plate of healthy vegetable & fruit salad depicting weight loss diet and few vegetables in the frame. The ultimate guide to lose weight

Medical Reviewed by Priyanka Gupta, Postgraduate in Dietetics and Food Service ManagementObesity is one of the greatest factors that increases the risks of many chronic and life-threatening diseases like heart disease, hypertension, stroke, and even cancer. With the rising case of obesity across the country, everyone is out searching for the best ways to lose […]

Is Your Weight Loss Approach Scientific, Healthy and Sustainable?

How to approach weight loss

How to lose weight?? Does ‘How to lose belly fat’ get answered too?? There are multiple and ways to lose weight fast: 1] Starve: Don’t eat food. You will lose a few kgs easily. All crash diets and mono-diets will make you shed weight temporarily. Though weight will bounce back with a vengeance when you […]

Healthy Weight Loss Journey Right from Your Doorstep | Possible

truweight is possible now

Are you looking for a healthy and sustainable weight loss? Weight loss that remains with you for long? If the answer is yes, then, Possible has good news for you!! We are providing the service of free home consultation at your doorstep. Yes, you heard it right. In this service, we follow three steps that […]

How Dr. Shyam transformed himself with food and lost 20 kgs!

Weight loss journey

Meet Dr. Gade Shyam, a high-flying Ear-Nose-Throat (ENT) surgeon based in Hyderabad. For him, a routine trip to the US made him gain 7.5 kilos thanks to a diet full of junk foods. He also realised that he was becoming lethargic about doing the daily chores. He realised weight loss is something he needs to do. […]

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