Tag Archives: weight loss programs

5 Weight Loss Mistakes Self Dieters tend to Make!

Weight Loss Mistakes

Medically reviewed by Shanmukha Priya, M.Phil and Ph.D. in Food Science and Nutrition Almost anybody overweight would have tried to follow a diet program at some point or the other in their life. weight loss diet or Detox Diets are all around you. Just type it on google and you will come up with hundreds of options. […]

Is Your Weight Loss Approach Scientific, Healthy and Sustainable?

How to approach weight loss

How to lose weight?? Does ‘How to lose belly fat’ get answered too?? There are multiple and ways to lose weight fast: 1] Starve: Don’t eat food. You will lose a few kgs easily. All crash diets and mono-diets will make you shed weight temporarily. Though weight will bounce back with a vengeance when you […]

How To Prepare Your Mind And Body When Opting For Weight Loss Program

Weight loss is possible

A good and effective weight loss program does not begin with what is on your plate but what is in your mind. There are no quick fixes for a fitter you. You really have to train both your mind and your body to say a firm “no” to that big plate of pakodas or that […]

The 12 secrets of losing weight – from noted dieticians and nutritionists!

truweight is possible now

In the last few decades, the issue of obesity and overweight has increased many folds. Those who are struggling to overcome this disorder, often ask themselves “How to lose weight and keep it off?”­­­­­ They try several methods to achieve weight loss only to arrive at where they have started. Only after several failed attempts, […]

Possible’s Different Diet Phases To Lose Weight

Weight loss programs

Are you searching for the best weight loss companies online but, you are unsure whether they will offer you the right weight loss programs? First and foremost, many weight loss programs are flawed in many ways. Some of them give wrong advice by letting you almost starve or may provide some weight loss pills. If […]

Refer a Friend for Weight Loss & Stand a Chance to Earn upto 25k

Possible is giving you the opportunity to pass on the proverbial baton of good health to all your near and dear ones! And there is a neat benefit in it for you too!!   “Did you know, your social circle has a deep influence on your weight! If your friends are on the heavier side, […]

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