Tag Archives: weight loss plan

Does Late Breakfast and Early Dinner Help You Lose Weight?

It is not rare to have heard people say that early dinner is one of the best approaches to lose weight and so is with late breakfast; if this is reality or a myth, it’s hard to say. In fact you cannot predict how every human body works, as they are different from each other. […]

How To Break The Weight Gain Pattern In Women

truweight is possible now

Weight gain pattern in women is different since the metabolism rate keeps on changing throughout their life. At every period, whether during puberty, adulthood, pregnancy, menopause, weight gain pattern in women keeps on changing. However, that can be managed with the right diet and exercise plan to ensure metabolism rate is boosted. Table of contents […]

Boost Your Weight Loss Process With Anti-inflammatory Detox!

truweight is possible now

Over time, our body accumulates harmful bacteria and toxins. Factors like polluted environment, eating foods loaded with additives and pesticides play a key role in this accumulation. To get rid of these toxins, the body needs to be detoxified. This is not only crucial for overall wellness but if you are on a weight loss […]

Refer a Friend for Weight Loss & Stand a Chance to Earn upto 25k

Possible is giving you the opportunity to pass on the proverbial baton of good health to all your near and dear ones! And there is a neat benefit in it for you too!!   “Did you know, your social circle has a deep influence on your weight! If your friends are on the heavier side, […]

10 Easy To Follow Health Tips For How To Lose Weight!

Health Tips to Lose Weight

Medically reviewed by Shanmukha Priya, M.Phil and Ph.D. in Food Science and Nutrition Are you looking for How to lose weight? Be careful in the pursuit of FAST, you may be left behind with FATS! Although I just scrambled fast for you, opting for faulty weight loss diets and tips can indeed leave you with just fats. […]

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