Tag Archives: workout plans

11 Effective Office Exercises to do at your Desk- Make Office Hours Healthy!

Simple Office Workout Exercises

Back-breaking, intensive to cushy or sedentary; our jobs have undergone a sea change in terms of the demand physically and that’s why office exercises have become a hot topic.  While we can never recreate the manually intensive jobs now, we can surely keep obese or overweight readings on the scale at bay. Because let’s face […]

9 Ways to Bounce Back on Health after Partying Hard!

truweight is possible now

Medical Reviewed by Shanmukha Priya, M.Phil and Ph.D. in Food Science and NutritionFriends, fun, drinks, snacks, new year, hangover, weight gain…….get off this party roller-coaster feeling and being healthy Don’t let the yuletide spirit and year-end celebrations get to your health goals! Did I hear you mutter ‘easier said than done’ under your breath? Just […]

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