Tag Archives: office workout

11 Effective Office Exercises to do at your Desk- Make Office Hours Healthy!

Simple Office Workout Exercises

Back-breaking, intensive to cushy or sedentary; our jobs have undergone a sea change in terms of the demand physically and that’s why office exercises have become a hot topic.  While we can never recreate the manually intensive jobs now, we can surely keep obese or overweight readings on the scale at bay. Because let’s face […]

19 Tasty & Healthy Office Snacks | Weight Loss Tips for Office Workers!

Healthy Office Snacks

What among these describes your office atmosphere: elaborate luncheons, frequent parties, meetings peppered with tasty evening snacks; or long drab working hours, high-stress deadlines, and frequent travel? Either way, the scenario doesn’t make for a good weight loss set up! While you may think office and weight loss don’t work hand in hand, you are […]

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