Tag Archives: belly fat burning exercises

11 Effective Office Exercises to do at your Desk- Make Office Hours Healthy!

Simple Office Workout Exercises

Back-breaking, intensive to cushy or sedentary; our jobs have undergone a sea change in terms of the demand physically and that’s why office exercises have become a hot topic.  While we can never recreate the manually intensive jobs now, we can surely keep obese or overweight readings on the scale at bay. Because let’s face […]

7 Foods That Will Help Shed Belly Fat In Men

Foods That Will Help Shed Belly Fat

The real pain of belly fat is known by ones who own it (unwillingly so!). They know how difficult it is to shed it off once it nicely settles on your belly. It requires the maximum amount of exercise and a healthy diet to go away. It is a fact that no matter how many […]

Here’s Why Women Get Belly Fat And What Should You Do About It

different shaped fat bellies for women

Medically reviewed by Shanmukha Priya, M.Phil and Ph.D. in Food Science and Nutrition Belly fat in women is the most stubborn kind of fat that takes the lot of hard work to lose. Hormonal imbalance, wrong lifestyle choices and bad diet lead to this excess weight issue. Keep belly fat at bay with these expert weight loss […]

9 Best Foods for Weight Loss to Enhance your Diet

truweight is possible now

Different foods offer different calorie intake to the body. They all follow various metabolic processes in the body.  So much so that their time of intake can also have an impact on how the body processes it and how many calories it provides to the body. here is a list of weight loss foods as proven […]

Drop The Flab And Tone Up Your Belly!

burn belly fat

@fitness Hello Can you tell me about how to work out on belly pls i need to lose some fat i do exercise everyday but i not think its work — Viranya (@Viranya9) January 14, 2014 In order to get a mid-section that is toned or a slimmer stomach, it’s important to realize that it […]

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