Tag Archives: exercises to lose belly fat

7 Lifestyle Tips and Healthy Foods to Reduce Belly Fat

5 untold foods, diet plan and workout excercises to reduce belly fat

While losing weight is obviously a very popular concern among us, aiming to reduce belly fat is not a small deal. Every day we come across pills and machines that claim to reduce belly fat. However, these things aren’t really helping. Therefore, besides following a few basic exercises, a suitable diet can effectively contribute to reducing […]

11 Effective Office Exercises to do at your Desk- Make Office Hours Healthy!

Simple Office Workout Exercises

Back-breaking, intensive to cushy or sedentary; our jobs have undergone a sea change in terms of the demand physically and that’s why office exercises have become a hot topic.  While we can never recreate the manually intensive jobs now, we can surely keep obese or overweight readings on the scale at bay. Because let’s face […]

7 Little Known Facts About How To Reduce Belly Fat

truweight is possible now

After having talked so much about the most stubborn fat of all, the belly fat and how to reduce belly fat, I am pretty sure that there are still many of us who are struggling to get rid of the stubborn belly fat, which seems to be nice sitting on our belly without any intention of […]

6 Reasons Why Losing Belly Fat Is Tough & What You Should Do About It!

belly fat

Lose Belly Fat : Ever stood in front of the mirror gazing all the belly fat that you have carried since so long and wondering how to get rid of the same? Losing belly fat is not easy. It is important to diet, workout and keep healthy to lose weight. The struggle is real. Other […]

3 Effective Exercises to Lose Belly Fat | Possible

Benefits of Vitamin C+

Twitter user Viranya Dangkird had this question: Viranya Dangkird ‏@Viranya9  Jan 14 Hello Can you tell me about how to work out on belly pls I need to lose some fat I do exercise every day but I not think its work Hi Viranya!   If you want to get into shape and keep the weight off […]

Drop The Flab And Tone Up Your Belly!

burn belly fat

@fitness Hello Can you tell me about how to work out on belly pls i need to lose some fat i do exercise everyday but i not think its work — Viranya (@Viranya9) January 14, 2014 In order to get a mid-section that is toned or a slimmer stomach, it’s important to realize that it […]

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