Author Archives: Priyanka Bhattacharya

All You Need To Know About Spirulina -The Original Superfood

Cholesterol lowering food- Spirulina

Spirulina is a moss like algae that you find in ponds, and is the oldest known superfood. It has a high protein content and helps in improving body’s metabolism. Lowers bad cholesterol and aids in weight loss. Spirulina is one of the most nutrient-rich foods on Earth and is also known as the world’s first […]

Here’s How Drinking Orange Juice Is Good For Your Heart Health

truweight is possible now

Orange juice offers many health benefits, and can help prevent some serious diseases and disorders. It is a rich source of vitamin C and A which are powerful antioxidants which protect the body from pollutants and free radicals. Has a beneficial effect on heart health. You already know that drinking orange juice is beneficial as […]

10 Excuses That You Use To Avoid Exercising And How To Fight Them

Weight Loss Exercise

It’s easy to fall off the weight loss plan when you avoid exercising. Regular workouts ensure that you are healthy and fit. Fight your excuses and try the tricks to keep exercising. It is 6 am. The alarm clock is ringing. You realize that you promised yourself a morning run. You turn off the alarm, […]

3 Ways To Avoid Back Pain Caused By Excess Weight | Possible

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Chronic back pain is one of the painful side effects of excess weight. Use right pain management techniques to alleviate the pain avoid excess pressure on your spine. Research shows that overweight people are at a greater risk of spinal injury due to the strain that excess weight puts on their joints and spine. In […]

Here’s Why You Should Drink Orange Juice Daily | Possible

truweight is possible now

Medically reviewed by Shanmukha Priya, M.Phil and Ph.D. in Food Science and Nutrition Orange juice is a rich source of vitamin C, one of the most powerful antioxidants present in nature. It boosts immunity and gives your body a major chunk of your daily requirement of vitamin C. Drinking orange juice daily ensures your health is in […]

Yoga Poses For Pregnancy To Manage Weight And Easy Delivery

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Yoga poses for pregnancy is one of the best ways to manage weight and be healthy during this phase of your life. It not only keeps the body flexible but also eases delivery issues. Weight gain during pregnancy is often a big concern for most women. They are also worried about their delivery. Research shows […]

10 Ways Yoga Helps You; Begin This International Yoga Day 2018

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Beat life’s stress and stress-induced diseases; make yourself this promise on this International Yoga Day, to be more aware, more mindful, and more active to live a healthy life. Turn to yoga to help you achieve your life goals. Ancient scriptures and modern research shows that the age-old practice of yoga helps our mind and […]

6 Quick Tips to Eating Right For Weight Loss: Expert Recommended

Healthy Eating Habits

When you think of weight management, you think cutting down on calories by cutting down on your food. But it is the other way round – eating right for weight loss is what our experts recommend. Due to information overload, today most of us have evolved many beliefs about our food and diet, which are […]

13 Facts You Should Know About Cilantro | Possible

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Medically reviewed by Shanmukha Priya, M.Phil and Ph.D. in Food Science and Nutrition When your recipe calls for cilantro, what should you reach for? Our good old fragrant coriander (Dhania) or should you rush to the store selling ‘imported herb’ cilantro. Our advice; pick out the freshest leaves from your bunch of coriander in your kitchen – […]

All You Need To Know About Health Benefits Of Vitamins

truweight is possible now

Vitamins are micronutrients that are essential for our overall health. They help our body function properly. The health benefits of vitamins include boosting the immune system and cellular regeneration. We need vitamins to ensure that the cell regeneration is healthy, and our immune system is in top shape. The main function of vitamins is to […]

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