Tag Archives: how to lose weight naturally

10 Science Backed Tips To Lose Weight Naturally

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We are in times when our health has been subjected to many risk factors, be it because of our adverse eating habits or our sedentary lifestyles. And all these lead to weight gain, which is a problem found in every other person. In order to lose weight, we are not just supposed to know the […]

10 Easy To Follow Health Tips For How To Lose Weight!

Health Tips to Lose Weight

Medically reviewed by Shanmukha Priya, M.Phil and Ph.D. in Food Science and Nutrition Are you looking for How to lose weight? Be careful in the pursuit of FAST, you may be left behind with FATS! Although I just scrambled fast for you, opting for faulty weight loss diets and tips can indeed leave you with just fats. […]

How to Lose Weight : Separating the Weight Loss Facts from Fiction

First off, the companies making these ‘No-Fat’, ‘Lose-weight’ pills don’t have serious studies (randomized clinical trials) to back their results. Secondly, research among a limited number of subjects finds that these weight loss pills only helped them lose a kilo (Yes! That’s it). Plus do you know how many chemicals (in the form of additives […]

Taking smarter steps to lose weight

https://twitter.com/krishsundaram/status/425528909015166977 Hi Karishma! In today’s world, smartness counts. If you are not smart enough then your hard work will also go waste. Same applies for weight loss, if you really have to lose some of your extra kg’s, you have to be patient and smart enough. Punishing yourself for weight loss Most people go for crash […]

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