Tag Archives: weight loss diet

Refer a Friend for Weight Loss & Stand a Chance to Earn upto 25k

Possible is giving you the opportunity to pass on the proverbial baton of good health to all your near and dear ones! And there is a neat benefit in it for you too!!   “Did you know, your social circle has a deep influence on your weight! If your friends are on the heavier side, […]

Why 7 Failing Dieters never tend to lose weight? | Possible

truweight is possible now

People facing weight gain issues see dieting as the only solution to their heavy concerns. However, the unreasonable practice of starving turns you into a chronic dieter or shows you its ineffective side! That famous GM diet and Atkins diet compel you to give away your favourite food. Guess what? They are ineffective too! There […]

13 Superfoods For Weight Loss

Super Foods for Weight Loss

A man is known to bring out the best solution when the concern is about himself; guess the superfood also was part of that invention. As underrated as they are, these superfoods are becoming most essential among individuals who are watching their weights and also aiming at healthy eating. Introduction Superfoods are rich in vitamins, […]

How to lose weight the smart way! | Possible

How to lose weight naturally

Have you tried every weight loss tips there is and still end up weighing the same? Do you put more reliance on workout than the diet? Or do you believe that 1 magic ingredient will help you in your weight loss endeavour? Well, you are in for a rude surprise! Why traditional weight loss techniques […]

Exercise or Diet For Weight Loss? What is More Effective (with Video Proof)

Diet or exercise

If you had to choose between exercise and diet for the role of Munnabhai and Circuit in the movie Munnabhai MBBS, which one would you choose? Confused between what among exercise or diet works best for weight loss? Diet Vs Exercise: Is exercise the main part and diet the supporting part for weight loss? Even […]

Lose Weight the Right Way and Keep it Off with Possible!

Can anyone tell me quick tips on how to lose weight without having to let go off eating/eating "healthy"? — Kashish (@kashish_v) January 28, 2014 Hi Kashish, When we even think about weight loss, all punishing things such as starving, craving for favorite foods, vigorous exercise etc strike the mind. Even the thought of these […]

Taking smarter steps to lose weight

https://twitter.com/krishsundaram/status/425528909015166977 Hi Karishma! In today’s world, smartness counts. If you are not smart enough then your hard work will also go waste. Same applies for weight loss, if you really have to lose some of your extra kg’s, you have to be patient and smart enough. Punishing yourself for weight loss Most people go for crash […]

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